We had a nice day of wind and good attendance for the SOLING 50 SUMMER REGATTA. The class had a 9 boat fleet all eager to earn a shot at the elusive annual chevron award. Competitive RC Sailing at its best! Our top 3 sailors at the podium today all earned that award! CONGRATULATIONS, 1st-Ken Campbell, 2nd-Gerry Wold and 3rd-Kerim Baran. Special recognition to Kerim for achieving his first Chevron. FANTASTIC..
Ok guys – If our friend Bob Williams can go twelve races on two bad knees and a pair of roller-skates – we just don’t have any excuses, do we! Thank you Bob for being our inspiration!
As always- a standing ovation to Fred Rocha for his leadership, support and enthusiasm.. Also a big hand for todays volunteers. Kim Robbins, Greg Williams, Ty Beach (Soling 50 Class Secretary) and Ben Reeves (drone pilot).