The San Diego Region is fortunate to have an exclusive Model Yacht Pond that is not shared with large or small personal watercraft. A location with easy access to young and old, in a naturally quiet surroundings, with excellent conditions for Model Yacht cruising and friendly competition.

The San Diego Argonauts Scale Division and Sail Division had a successful year featuring events that promoted interest in the pursuit of Model Yachting. Each division has built on our fundamental mission of assisting those interested in R/C boat construction and maintenance, to enhance their knowledge of rules and skills associated with competition, and to promote friendly competition and good sportsmanship. We have a really good thing going on the pond and all members should be proud of our accomplishments in 2022. We are on a steady course and growing strong! Thank You to all that have contributed to our success!

2023 Calendar
Early 2023 Highlights
January 21- Awards Banquet
February 18 & 19-IOM Region 6 Regatta
Awards Banquet
I’d like to remind our members that the Awards Banquet is rapidly approaching.
The banquet date is Saturday evening, January 21st. In order to facilitate the smooth running of this project I’m asking Argonauts to get their payments to me by December 15th. I will be at the pond on Wednesdays and Saturdays to accept your banquet support. If it may be more convenient for you, please send a check to:
Mark Hallberg
4989 Old Cliffs RD.
San Diego, CA. 92120
Be sure to write the check out to the ‘ San Diego Argonauts ‘.
Tom, Steve and Bob are putting together a little something for our pleaser. Rob Wood will also be making an award presentation for the Scale division.
In order for a successful banquet, the first in a few years, we need participation with a great turnout.
Thank you and see ya’ at the pond,
Staff Commodore
IOM Region 6 Regatta

Membership Drive

Tis the season to renew your San Diego Argonauts annual membership. The process is easy, fast and affordable! Here are a few easy steps to get another fun year of activities and Camaraderie with our unique R/C boat club.
Fill out the 2023 Membership Form
$20 cash or check, with completed Membership Form to Gil Jansky or any other Argonauts Officer that knows Gil.
Endorse $20 check to San Diego Argonauts R/C Model Boat Club
Mail to:
Gil Jansky
10641 Gabacho Dr.
San Diego, Ca 92124