Tag Archives: DF95

DF95 R8 Championship May 17-18, 2025

Registration is now open for the 2025 AMYA DragonFlite95 Region 8 Championship! See attached NOR for details. The top SIX finishers will qualify to participate in the National Championship in Newport, RI. in October

FOUR additional DF95 skippers from Region 8 can qualify for the Nationals by being the ‘most active’ based on participation in Region 8 Travelers Trophy Events:

December 14th Points: DF95 & IOM

Zero to Ten… but mostly Zero from WNW. Those were the winds for the Argonauts’ final day of racing in 2024. While the day was sunny and pleasantly warm, sailing conditions were once again… fluky. The DF95’s went first with RD Ty Beach selecting mostly medium courses.

Next, it was the IOMs’ turn. RD Craig Mackey called medium courses, but ended with a short course to get the sailboats off the pond in time for the Scaler’s Christmas Parade of Lights.

November 16th Points… IOM & DF95

Fall is here in San Diego! Temperatures in the mid-60’s, plenty of sun, but WEIRD winds. Plenty of breeze from (mostly) the west, but monster shifts and a few cavernous holes made for VERY tough sailing conditions. Gerry Wold was our Race Director Du Jour for both the IOM’s and the DF95’s. Gerry chose a combination of standard Medium and Long courses for both classes. Tacks and downwind lines were chosen at great peril. Often, skippers found themselves becalmed as boats sailed past them on both sides within a mere few feet!

October 19th Points: DF95 & IOM

FABULOUS Autumn weather: Sunny and warm with light westerly breezes. Bob Williams ran the DF95 Fleet with Gil Jansky Scoring. The spotty and shifty winds created lots of passing lanes for skippers who were able to capitalize.

Bob Williams continued as RD for the IOM Fleet, this time assisted by Kerim Baran as Scorer. Despite the forecast for stronger breezes later in the day, the breezes actually slackened a bit by the time it was the IOM’s turn. However, after the 3rd Race break, the winds filled in and became more consistent. Racing was amazingly tight with many passing opportunities and lead changes in the shifts.

June 8th Points…

Clouds and Southerly winds greeted the DF95 Fleet as Point races began. Lots of shifts, holes and lead-changes were the order of the day as RD Jason Brooks chose courses to fit the conditions.

The winds picked up a bit, filled in and moved more westerly by the time the IOM‘s took to the pond. Racing was extremely tight as the fleet remained bunched throughout most of the heats. There were many lead changes; many occurring on the final leg!

Fun! Sun! Hot Dogs! WAR!!!!

Perfect weather for the DF95 Fun Regatta! Plenty of sun and 10 knot westerly (mostly) winds! For the first time in (recorded) history, the Argonauts engaged in Team Racing. Team Captains Kerim Baran and Dennis Rogers chose their respective squads from the skippers present and each was given a Red or Blue pennant to display at their masthead. Standard Racing Rules were used with the following changes: 1) 2-Boatlength Circles, 2) No ‘Proper Course’ restrictions after passing marks, and 3) No penalty for fouling Teammates. Since scores were aggregated for each Team, individual finishes were not as important as helping Teammates who were trying to hold off competitors. This resulted in numerous examples of Teammates intentionally slowing down or maneuvering to ‘gang-up’ on vulnerable opponents! Lots of dicey crosses, slam dunks, and luffing! Special thanks to our beloved ‘Dog-Meister’ Bob Williams who grilled all the Hot Dogs we could eat (and then some…), and Ben Reeve for scoring the Regatta! Results below: