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RD’s Wanted…

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped make Race Week XV a resounding success!

Now is a perfect time to catch our breath, relax a bit and plan for the remaining few months of 2024. We still have some gaps to fill in our Race Director Calendar. Please review our RD Schedule and pick a date (or two!) We have plenty of seasoned Argonauts who are happy to mentor less experienced members and walk them through the complicated process of running races: 1) Press the Button, 2) Call out the over-early boats, 3) take down finishes. (Yes, it really is that simple…) Remember that Argonauts who volunteer to RD Class Points in a Fleet they also race in will receive their Average Points for that month!

August 31st DF95 & IOM Points

Overcast skies and moderate but shifty westerly winds were the order of the day for DF95 & IOM Points racing. Jess Atkinson set Marks and RD’d both Fleets, selecting combinations of Medium and Long Courses. Results follow:

Next, Jess selected Medium, Long, and Medium-Long-Long Courses for the IOM Fleet. Results below:

Thanks to David Stong who helped Jess with take-down and clean-up at the end of the day. Reminder: RD’s get their Points Averaged for Fleets they RD for…

Farewell Mark Hallberg! August 24th Odom & Soling Points

The Argonauts turned out in force to say Farewell to Commodore Emeritus, Lifetime Member and Procurer of Sandwiches, Mark Hallberg. Mark is departing for the Great White North of Eugene Oregon and will be missed by Argonauts everywhere. Good Luck, Mark!

Following the presentation of a plaque to Mark in recognition of his decades of service to the San Diego Argonauts, Keith Sternal set the marks, called all medium courses and RD’d the Odom Fleet under sunny skies and 9 – 12 knots of westerly winds. Results follow:

Next it was the Soling Fleet’s turn. The winds were still pretty westerly but with a few more shifts and lulls. Like Keith, RD Pat Nevitt ran all medium courses. Results below:



Southeast flow from a tropical surge pulled the plug on the wind for the final day of our IOM Championship Regatta. Special thanks to all that participated and Congratulations to our winners. Actually- if you had fun you are a winner!


After an amazing string of nearly perfect NW sea breezes, today’s conditions turned into a veritable smorgasbord of winds swinging 120 degrees from South to Northwest. There was lots of adjusting and a little frustration but skippers adjusted with plenty of great sailing!



Day One was a really great day of sailing by our IOM skippers. A Perfect Prevailing Sea Breeze & Classic Summer Pond Conditions. ENJOY!


Fun! Sun! Hot Dogs! WAR!!!!

Perfect weather for the DF95 Fun Regatta! Plenty of sun and 10 knot westerly (mostly) winds! For the first time in (recorded) history, the Argonauts engaged in Team Racing. Team Captains Kerim Baran and Dennis Rogers chose their respective squads from the skippers present and each was given a Red or Blue pennant to display at their masthead. Standard Racing Rules were used with the following changes: 1) 2-Boatlength Circles, 2) No ‘Proper Course’ restrictions after passing marks, and 3) No penalty for fouling Teammates. Since scores were aggregated for each Team, individual finishes were not as important as helping Teammates who were trying to hold off competitors. This resulted in numerous examples of Teammates intentionally slowing down or maneuvering to ‘gang-up’ on vulnerable opponents! Lots of dicey crosses, slam dunks, and luffing! Special thanks to our beloved ‘Dog-Meister’ Bob Williams who grilled all the Hot Dogs we could eat (and then some…), and Ben Reeve for scoring the Regatta! Results below:

Jan. 6 Sail Points-Soling 50 & ODOM

There were many glassy holes on our pond for the first races of the 2024 season. That said, each fleet managed 6 races just in time for happy hour! (happy is getting home before dark). VC Sail, Chris Staiger handled the workload, setting marks, RD’ing both fleets and even some entertainment with a broken oar trick. Chris even demonstrated his Venetian gondola poling technique while standing in the skiff. (not coast guard approved). All good fun!

Our ODOM fleet is growing and it’s fun to see skippers from other classes take the helm of that classy little pond yacht. The ODOM fleet welcomed Steve Ross, Pat Nevitt, Tom Warren and Dennis Rogers to the roster. It should be a fun year with these added skippers on the line.

Pat Nevitt is once again our score keeper for 2024.. Thank You Pat for volunteering!

January 19th is the SDA AWARDS BANQUET. January 12 is the deadline to pay. Don’t miss the boat!

Smooth Sailing, Gil