Tag Archives: DF95Points

August 31st DF95 & IOM Points

Overcast skies and moderate but shifty westerly winds were the order of the day for DF95 & IOM Points racing. Jess Atkinson set Marks and RD’d both Fleets, selecting combinations of Medium and Long Courses. Results follow:

Next, Jess selected Medium, Long, and Medium-Long-Long Courses for the IOM Fleet. Results below:

Thanks to David Stong who helped Jess with take-down and clean-up at the end of the day. Reminder: RD’s get their Points Averaged for Fleets they RD for…

July 20th Points

The strongest winds of the year greeted our IOM and DF95 Fleets for July 20th Point Racing. Tropical moisture and heat made the winds feel heavier with some very turbulent gusts and direction changes. Several ‘Submarines’ were spotted. Thanks to RD Scotty Harris who took advantage of the strong winds to set Long Courses.

The winds didn’t slacken for the DF95 Fleet, but continued nearly straight down the pond with a slight northerly component. A combination of Medium and Long Courses were run by RD Chris Staiger.

June 8th Points…

Clouds and Southerly winds greeted the DF95 Fleet as Point races began. Lots of shifts, holes and lead-changes were the order of the day as RD Jason Brooks chose courses to fit the conditions.

The winds picked up a bit, filled in and moved more westerly by the time the IOM‘s took to the pond. Racing was extremely tight as the fleet remained bunched throughout most of the heats. There were many lead changes; many occurring on the final leg!

April 27 Points: DF95 & IOM

Beautiful, sunny weather with wonky winds! The Dragonflite95 Fleet began in moderate but shifty Southwest winds. Due to the direction, Starboard rounding courses were selected by RD Tom Warren. Though the winds filled a bit over time and veered slightly more westerly, there were some big holes and massive shifts. There were many lead changes, but lawyers took the top two spots with Scotty Harris carrying the day by winning half the races:

Next it was the IOM’s turn and strengthening westerly winds allowed a return to our traditional Port Roundings. RD Chris Staiger ran a combination of Medium and Long courses. Dennis Rogers dominated the fleet of eleven IOM’s; missing a perfect score of “6”‘ by a single point. Results follow:

March 16th Points

Light southerly winds greeted the IOM fleet as Point racing began today. RD Ben Reeve utilized several course options from Medium to Long to mix things up until the winds filled and moved more westerly.

Thanks to Kerim Baran for the Drone Footage!

DF95’s were next. Winds filled to over 7 knots and moved near true West by the time the DF95’s turn came. Again, RD Ben Reeve called Medium, Long and ‘Reverse Short’ (Yes: downwind start to a leeward gate…) courses resulting in tight racing with many lead changes.

Feb. 24th Points – DF95 & IOM

More Water, But less wind….

The Draining/Scraping/Refilling of the Pond left us precariously low on water and forced the use of a 4-Heat HMS scenario for the IOM Region 8 Championships held February 16th – 18th (limiting fleet sizes to 11 boats). Fortunately, the Pond has mostly regained its ‘normal’ water level and only a small reef remained near the fill pipe for our February 24th Points Races.

Seventeen DF95’s took to the water in light, variable winds with RD Ben Reeve calling the line, taking down names, arbitrating disputes and narrowly avoiding protests.

Next it was Deja vu all over again as Eleven IOM’s started in moderate westerly winds. Racing was tight and clean as five skippers shared the 1st Place finishes between them.

Jan. 13 Points- IOM & DF95

You sure couldn’t argue about the beautiful winter day on Mission Bay! IOM and DF95 skippers participated in their first Points Series for 2024 with good numbers in each fleet. The sea breeze was just enough for each class to glide through the afternoon on a nice long course. I bit light and shifty at times.. but that’s our pond!

Chris Staiger set the marks and manned the clock for the IOM fleet. Ben Reeve directed today’s healthy DF95 fleet. These guys are volunteers and they deserve much credit for your fun today!

Smooth Sailing, Gil

NOV. 18 Points- IOM & DF95

A cutoff low pressure system tried to spoil our pond sailing this weekend but sunny skies prevailed as IOM and DF 95 skippers were treated to a summer like day.. Unfortunately the wind pressure did not follow the blue sky. A very light breeze from the southwest in the 3-6 mph range prevailed most oft the day and oil slick water on the west end presented a real problem to most skippers. That being said both classes completed their 6 race series. Mostly in slow motion!

Chris Staiger set the marks and lined up a course that was suitable for the conditions and also handled the duties of Race Director for the 8 boat IOM Fleet. We appreciate your direction Chris!


By the time the DF 95 fleet had their turn on the pond the wind conditions deteriorated another notch or two. Craig Mackey stepped in as Race Director for the DF fleet and worked with the light breeze and shortened course configuration. Thank you Craig for volunteering today!


Despite frustrating wind conditions we got all our races off and had a good day on our pond.. Special thanks to those who participated and pitched in a hand to make this day possible.

SPECIAL REMINDER: November 25 is a ODOM & Soling 50 Points Make Up Day!

Smooth Sailing, Gil

OCT.21-DF95 & IOM Points

A fantastic day greeted a nice group of skippers, on our last points event for October. DF95 and IOM fleets experienced consistent 6-10mph north west breezes that held trough out the day.


Craig Mackey was our volunteer Race Director for the DF95 fleet and managed 6 races on our standard medium course. There was some tight racing in the in the top ranks but Dennis Rogers came out on top with some beautiful sailing.

DF-95 Fleet

Chris Staiger stepped up as Race Director for the IOM fleet. The wind was favorable for long courses, so five longs and one modified (“Freddy”) medium course filled up the day. Mike Fruciano made the road trip from Arizona.. Thank you Mike for your participation! Congratulations Dennis Rogers for some very consistent sailing!

Bob Williams, once again, pushed that semi-portable grill half way around the world to serve up his specialty.. HOT DOGS!! Thank you Bob!!

Thank You Pat Nevitt for the beautiful score sheets.. YOU ROCK!! After all, scores are the meat of this post!