June 8th Points…

Clouds and Southerly winds greeted the DF95 Fleet as Point races began. Lots of shifts, holes and lead-changes were the order of the day as RD Jason Brooks chose courses to fit the conditions.

The winds picked up a bit, filled in and moved more westerly by the time the IOM‘s took to the pond. Racing was extremely tight as the fleet remained bunched throughout most of the heats. There were many lead changes; many occurring on the final leg!

About William Staiger

After careers in Engineering and Law, William ("Chris") Staiger is now on his 3rd career: Retirement. Chris has been designing, building and racing model yachts for nearly 45 years, but now enjoys doing so full-time. While being a recent transplant to San Diego he has been racing in Argonauts' events since 1980. Chris' wife, Dr. Pam Staiger (also recently-retired) is working on her 2nd careers as favorite aunt to a host of neices and nephews, and a clarinetist with a local symphony orchestra. Together, they enjoy cycling, swimming, classical concerts, and activities with their church.