The Scale Boat Division of the San Diego Argonauts invites scale model boaters to our 2017 Scale Model RC Boat Regatta!
It’ll include a navigation course, raffle, and more! Static modelers are welcome to display their boats. The public is welcome to spectate too!
Bring your own sack lunch, table and chairs.
For more information, check out our event on Facebook or e-mail
NAMBA INSURANCE REQUIRED: Anyone operating a boat or participating in the pit area must have proof of current NAMBA insurance.
Due to recent changes in the City of San Diego risk assessment regulations, we are now required to secure a general liability insurance policy that covers the City in the event anyone running a boat with a motor causes an accident. This requirement is a blanket requirement for any boat with a motor, no matter how slow or small. We have secured the best insurance available for this purpose through NAMBA International, but the insurance is only valid for NAMBA members who are involved in an accident, and we are required to follow NAMBA safety regulations in order for the insurance to be viable.
To comply with NAMBA safety regulations, we will rope off an area for launching, recovering, operating and judging boats entered into the navigation competition, which we will call the Pit Area. Anyone wishing to enter the Pit Area must have proof of current NAMBA membership, either Single Event Insurance (SEI) secured for this event, or a full membership for the year. NAMBA yearly membership ($50.00) may be obtained at, or you can purchase Single Event Insurance for the regatta for $15.00 at the event. We recognize that this poses an unexpected financial burden, but if we expect to continue enjoying this type of event at the San Diego Model Boat Pond, we really have no choice but to comply with the City’s requirements.
By the way, NAMBA insurance is primary insurance, which means it does not require that you first seek coverage for a claim via your own homeowner’s insurance policy. To read all of the benefits of NAMBA insurance, visit
If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to chat with Rob Wood, Jeff Sparksworthy, or Mark Weber.

Download our Event Poster PDF

Download our Navigation Map in PDF