Tag Archives: DF95Points

Feb.15, 2025-IOM & DF95 Points

Another great day on the pond guys!

Kicking off the days racing were the IOM’s with Commodore Pat Nevitt doing a great job as RD. First race was going to be our standard medium course just to scope things out but that was changed to a long course after some advice was offered to the VC of Sail from the Godfather of IOM’s, Mr. Mackey. Not wanting to wake up in the morning with a horses head in my sail bag, I kindly passed this advice on to the RD who willingly obliged. 🙂 

Long courses were the order of the day with some superb competition throughout the heats. 

Good to have Jason and Dennis back on the starting line with Dennis racking up four bullets and taking out the day, well done.

With the Region 8 Regatta on next week it’s sure to be a great couple of days.

But wait, theres more!

Next on the pond were the DF 95’s, 18 in fact! What a show.

With that many boats on the start line and on the course all at the same time there was bound to be ‘interactions’. Plenty of penalty turns and close avoidance measures being put to the test. 

All skippers conducted themselves very well, kudos to you all for sailing as sportsman should, the corinthian spirit is alive and well. 🙂


Oops, I forgot to mention the RD. Headmaster Mackey was back to keep things in order. Apparently word got out there would be a host of boats in the playground and anarchy was not to prevail. As most of you that sailed the January points race would know, Craig runs a tight ship and after a general recall or two, you guessed it, the black flag rule was invoked.Those skippers that weren’t up to speed on what the black flag means, definitely know now! :O

Heats were all medium courses in a very fluctuating breeze that kicked hard to the right at times making any venture out to the left somewhat perilous and not without risk.

Great to see so many boats turning up and providing some very tight racing. 

Welcome to John Lisenby who has only just got into sailing the DF 95 and by all accounts is having a ball.

A big thank to everyone who manned their rakes this morning to clear the shoreline of the dreaded slime. Very much appreciated. 🙂

Thanks also to Kerim, Jason and Dave for helping get the boat and buoys away.

See you all next time



January 18, 2025 Points Races- DF95 & IOM

Fellow sailors,

Last week the ODOM’s & Soling 50’s opened their season with a bang but this week the bar was definitely raised by the DF 95’s & IOM’s! 21 DF 95’s and 11 IOM’s!

Craig Mackey certainly had his hands full as RD for the DF 95’s but he managed extremely well. Medium courses were the call for the day with the last heat being a long course finishing at the windward mark.

With 21 boats on the line, things did get a little congested at times and in general everyone played rather nicely together. BUT, with so many boats, the fight to not get buried in the second row saw several general recalls. Apparently there’s a lot of hair triggers fitted to numerous transmitters! :O

The RD was heard commenting that some skippers were just like naughty 4th graders! 🙂 Principal Mackey sure did make it clear that there would be none of that! No cane but out came the ‘Black Flag Rule’ with a total of 4 boats getting sent to the naughty corner between two races. I believe that may be an Argonauts record!

It was obvious that Jess Atkinson’s tuning clinic a couple of weeks ago has lifted the performance of the fleet in general with some extremely close racing.

It was great to see a few new faces and also to welcome some sailors back.

Enter the IOM’s with Kerim Baran doing a great job looking after RD duties for this quality fleet who didn’t seem to have the ’naughty kids’ in the mix? Competition in this fleet was super tight with some very interesting first mark rounding’s, with plenty of ducking and weaving. This didn’t change much around the entire race track with plenty of entertainment for the ‘peanut gallery’.

Congrats. to the place getters and to everyone who came out to the pond to ‘do what we do’. If the first two weekends of racing are a sign of what’s to come ahead in the season it’s going to be one Krakka of a year!

Thanks also to Bill Bridge, David Stong and Chris Staiger for pulling the buoys and packing away the dinghy.

Next week is practice day so ‘bring what ya got!’

See you at the pond! 🙂

Regards, Chris

Sending Fair Winds & Calm Seas to Kim Robbins.

We all send best wishes for a speedy and healthy recovery to Kim. We miss you on the pond!

December 14th Points: DF95 & IOM

Zero to Ten… but mostly Zero from WNW. Those were the winds for the Argonauts’ final day of racing in 2024. While the day was sunny and pleasantly warm, sailing conditions were once again… fluky. The DF95’s went first with RD Ty Beach selecting mostly medium courses.

Next, it was the IOMs’ turn. RD Craig Mackey called medium courses, but ended with a short course to get the sailboats off the pond in time for the Scaler’s Christmas Parade of Lights.

November 16th Points… IOM & DF95

Fall is here in San Diego! Temperatures in the mid-60’s, plenty of sun, but WEIRD winds. Plenty of breeze from (mostly) the west, but monster shifts and a few cavernous holes made for VERY tough sailing conditions. Gerry Wold was our Race Director Du Jour for both the IOM’s and the DF95’s. Gerry chose a combination of standard Medium and Long courses for both classes. Tacks and downwind lines were chosen at great peril. Often, skippers found themselves becalmed as boats sailed past them on both sides within a mere few feet!

October 19th Points: DF95 & IOM

FABULOUS Autumn weather: Sunny and warm with light westerly breezes. Bob Williams ran the DF95 Fleet with Gil Jansky Scoring. The spotty and shifty winds created lots of passing lanes for skippers who were able to capitalize.

Bob Williams continued as RD for the IOM Fleet, this time assisted by Kerim Baran as Scorer. Despite the forecast for stronger breezes later in the day, the breezes actually slackened a bit by the time it was the IOM’s turn. However, after the 3rd Race break, the winds filled in and became more consistent. Racing was amazingly tight with many passing opportunities and lead changes in the shifts.

August 31st DF95 & IOM Points

Overcast skies and moderate but shifty westerly winds were the order of the day for DF95 & IOM Points racing. Jess Atkinson set Marks and RD’d both Fleets, selecting combinations of Medium and Long Courses. Results follow:

Next, Jess selected Medium, Long, and Medium-Long-Long Courses for the IOM Fleet. Results below:

Thanks to David Stong who helped Jess with take-down and clean-up at the end of the day. Reminder: RD’s get their Points Averaged for Fleets they RD for…

July 20th Points

The strongest winds of the year greeted our IOM and DF95 Fleets for July 20th Point Racing. Tropical moisture and heat made the winds feel heavier with some very turbulent gusts and direction changes. Several ‘Submarines’ were spotted. Thanks to RD Scotty Harris who took advantage of the strong winds to set Long Courses.

The winds didn’t slacken for the DF95 Fleet, but continued nearly straight down the pond with a slight northerly component. A combination of Medium and Long Courses were run by RD Chris Staiger.

June 8th Points…

Clouds and Southerly winds greeted the DF95 Fleet as Point races began. Lots of shifts, holes and lead-changes were the order of the day as RD Jason Brooks chose courses to fit the conditions.

The winds picked up a bit, filled in and moved more westerly by the time the IOM‘s took to the pond. Racing was extremely tight as the fleet remained bunched throughout most of the heats. There were many lead changes; many occurring on the final leg!