If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing!
Saturday was a beautiful bright grey day at the pond. Before the boats hit the water we warmed up with another great Racing Rules Clinic presented by Ken Campbell. Clinics are held at 11 AM on each Sail Points race day and are always informative. Ken refreshed our memories on starting and finish line situations and common weather mark problems. Thank you Ken!
Prior to the skippers meeting Bob Williams presented Fred Rocha with an honorary Commodores hat. The cover (Navy lingo) was white and fully dressed with yellow oak leaves on the shiny black brim. The scrambled eggs signify a really important person! Did the hat look a bit small-or was the head a bit big?? Fred set a delightful course and smoothly Race Directed our Saturday sailing experience.. Must have been the hat:) Thank You Fred for all do.
Shortly after noon the ODOM and Santa Barbara fleet were on the water. Due to only two S/B entries and four ODOM’s, we had a delayed start and shared the course for a good six race series. The pond had a nice texture of 9-10 mph predominantly west winds, with the predictably unpredictable right and left shifts. ODOM skipper Kerim Baran set the pace with consistent scores. S/B skippers Bill Bridge and Dunham Reilly got some good time on the helm. Nice racing guys!
Soling 50’s sailed next with a nice turnout of eight skippers. It was good to see our Soling Class Secretary, Ty Beach, back in action. This is a pretty competitive fleet with consistent winners in the top ranks. The starting line all of a sudden seemed to get much smaller with this group! Skippers had to work for clean air and a clear start. OH MY 1627! The wind held pretty consistent throughout the series but maybe tended more to the right in the last two races. It was a good day in the spirit of our club and sailing. Thank YOU ALL.
Points racing next month:
July 3 Sol 50, ODOM, Santa Barbara
July 10 IOM, DF 95