Tag Archives: SOLING 50 FEB 2025 POINTS

Feb. 8, 2025- ODOM & SOLING 50 Points

Rich Rogers accepts the Lifetime Honorary Membership Award from Gil Jansky

Prior to todays sailing, club members took the opportunity to recognize Rich Rogers for the Lifetime Honorary Membership Award. Rich has served the club for many years with continued support, enthusiasm and the true Corinthian Spirit. Rich designed and fabricated the skiff dolly the Argonauts use on a regular basis. He is an avid R/C Aircraft Pilot and passionate R/C Sailor. Congratulations Rich.. We appreciate you!

By gee by jingo by Crikey! What another great day at the pond with the Soling 50’s and ODOMS fighting it out on the water!

First off was the Soling 50’s with RD Pat Nevitt allocating a mixture of medium and long courses for the six heats sailed. The breeze flicked a little from left to right which offered plenty of opportunities for the skippers to show their tactical prowess. 🙂 Some very close racing with three different boats taking two wins each and a tie for 1st overall.

Chris Staiger took over from Pat to RD for the ODOM’s and again there was a mix of medium and long courses. Unfortunately for Steve Ross and Gil Jansky the dreaded gremlins had got onboard both boats and they were not able to compete but instead added two more seats to the ‘peanut gallery’. What else would one do if you can’t go sailing? 🙂

By now the breeze had moved a little into the right which created panic if you found yourself on the left side of the course. :O With a little luck and bad luck being shared around, there was no doubt at the end who took advantage of the conditions the best. Kerim Baran again put in a very consistent performance with only Tom Warren being able to spoil Jess Atkinson’s clean sweep.

Great racing by all skippers over all heats.

The ODOM tuning clinic on the 1st of March is not to be missed.