Normal club operations are expected to resume this summer, depending on all pandemic restrictions being lifted by the county and city.
As sailors begin more frequent use of the pond we must to be aware and show respect to other users of our valuable resource. Saturday morning is reserved for Scale Division. Stay off the water until noon! Use common sense when speedy Power Craft are sharing the water. Practice the Corinthian Spirit.
Sail members will soon be given several choices for a new Burgee. Make sure you voice an opinion. These new colors could show up on your hat, shirt or bumper sticker!
We have a busy summer ahead with lots of fun Club Points Racing, Regattas and Race Week in August. (check the current calendar) We are going to need volunteers! Don’t be shy because this is going to be a lot of fun!
We all share a truly amazing hobby and we are most fortunate to have a Model Yacht Pond in beautiful Mission Bay Park.
Smooth Sailing, Gil