Eddy wind conditions seemed to tease an apparent disagreement with our weak onshore flow. So-back and forth the argument went, most of the day!
Conditions were described as some of the most challenging winds we have experienced on our pond for quite some time. Ken Campbell described it like this – “There were a lot of opportunities out there today”.
No matter what your position on the water happened to be, there was no denying the variable wind angles and velocities we all experienced! Nice sailing to all skippers that participated!

Todays Race Directors:
IOM-RD Scott Harris
DF95 RD- Kim Robbins
A special thanks to any extra hands that helped make our racing day possible.

Thank You Ken Campbell for July scores and cumulative points for the 2022 Sailing Season. There are five more months of challenging racing for skippers waiting to jump into the pond!! Please join the fun.

VC Bob Williams. You can’t keep this man down!! Bob deserves a standing ovation and full round of applause for his efforts in keeping our club moving forward and in fresh cooked hot dogs after each Saturday of points racing.
If you have not experienced the post racing BBQ. Well why??
Saturday, AUGUST 6 11:30AM Skippers Meeting / First Race Noon ODOM, SOLING 50, Santa Barbara

“The goal is not to sail the boat, but rather to help the boat sail herself.” — John Rousmaniere, American Author