May 13 Points-Soling 50 & ODOM

We had a successful day of racing thanks to a good crew of volunteers. This would not be possible without these eager hands that contribute to our pond sailing.

Pat Nevitt 

Steve Ross 

Kim Robins

Bill Bridge

Gil Jansky

Grey weather seems to be intrenched on the beaches, so sunscreen was optional today. Sea breeze was pretty much coming down the center of the pond in the low to mid single digits with a random gust to 8mph.

During our skippers meeting Pat Nevitt stressed the need to follow the rules, call fouls properly and sail in the Corinthian Spirt. So.. when you foul-do your turns!

Highlights from Soling50 Race 1- Finish would be a good topic for a Rules discussion.

2023 Combined Calendar

See You at the Pond, Gil

About Gil Jansky

I'm an active senior enjoying most all outdoor activities. Surfing, SUP, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Sailing, Wind Surfing and recently Wing Foiling. I also have numerous hobbies that include Photography, Videography, RC Sailing and Gardening. When I am not exhausted I'll spend time repairing most everything around the house.. Oh also my 1995 Ford that always need repair.. My wife Sandra loves my energy!