The season points opener did not disappoint!
The ODOM’s were first to kick off, with Chris Staiger sending 12 boats off on the standard medium course. Jess Atkinson bolted from the blue in the first heat, but after turning the leeward mark with the finish in sight his winch servo decided it was not to be, thus ending Jess’s day. Not to let a chance go by, Pat Nevitt said thank you very much and opened his day up with a bullet.
The heats were very tightly contested and is was great to see Paul Hart lead the fleet on a couple of occasions showing that he’s certainly up for the fight. 🙂
As they say.. The cream floats to the top and both Gerry Wold & Kerim Baran were on their game with both skippers taking two wins and in the end finishing 1st & 2nd respectively.

Second cab off the rank was the Soling 50’s with Gil Jansky and Jason Brooks sharing RD duties and again setting the boats off on the standard medium course. Hughie (wind for us in SD) was indeed kind to us and provided a good breeze for the entire day, albeit a little shifty at times. 🙂
8 Soling’s competed and it was obvious right from the get go who was the one to beat. Chris Staiger in his green machine clocked up an impressive 5 bullets with Gerry Wold taking the last heat.
Again competition was very close and lead changes repetitive throughout the heats; with at times ‘the pond’ deciding who was going to fill which position at the end. Great to have such a good turn out and hopefully we’ll see the same in the coming months.

Thanks very much to Gil, Jason and Chris for helping get the marks in and boat put away.
This season we’re asking that one or two skippers from the last class racing on the day help out with this activity. A couple of extra hands sure do make light work of things... When you volunteer you show you care about your club!
Also, this season we will be applying one drop to the class heats and the scoring of DNF, DNS, Etc. will align with the current RRS using the Low Point System Appendix A5.3 as modified by our Sailing Instructions. Yes, you read correctly, Sailing Instructions.
Please note:
In a move to provide better transparency and information related to the organization and management of our sailing events to members and visitors , we have been working on a set of Sailing Instructions that will be made available to all in the coming weeks.
Next Week – DF 95 & IOM points races.