Tag Archives: DF95

June 8th Points…

Clouds and Southerly winds greeted the DF95 Fleet as Point races began. Lots of shifts, holes and lead-changes were the order of the day as RD Jason Brooks chose courses to fit the conditions.

The winds picked up a bit, filled in and moved more westerly by the time the IOM‘s took to the pond. Racing was extremely tight as the fleet remained bunched throughout most of the heats. There were many lead changes; many occurring on the final leg!

Fun! Sun! Hot Dogs! WAR!!!!

Perfect weather for the DF95 Fun Regatta! Plenty of sun and 10 knot westerly (mostly) winds! For the first time in (recorded) history, the Argonauts engaged in Team Racing. Team Captains Kerim Baran and Dennis Rogers chose their respective squads from the skippers present and each was given a Red or Blue pennant to display at their masthead. Standard Racing Rules were used with the following changes: 1) 2-Boatlength Circles, 2) No ‘Proper Course’ restrictions after passing marks, and 3) No penalty for fouling Teammates. Since scores were aggregated for each Team, individual finishes were not as important as helping Teammates who were trying to hold off competitors. This resulted in numerous examples of Teammates intentionally slowing down or maneuvering to ‘gang-up’ on vulnerable opponents! Lots of dicey crosses, slam dunks, and luffing! Special thanks to our beloved ‘Dog-Meister’ Bob Williams who grilled all the Hot Dogs we could eat (and then some…), and Ben Reeve for scoring the Regatta! Results below:

April 27 Points: DF95 & IOM

Beautiful, sunny weather with wonky winds! The Dragonflite95 Fleet began in moderate but shifty Southwest winds. Due to the direction, Starboard rounding courses were selected by RD Tom Warren. Though the winds filled a bit over time and veered slightly more westerly, there were some big holes and massive shifts. There were many lead changes, but lawyers took the top two spots with Scotty Harris carrying the day by winning half the races:

Next it was the IOM’s turn and strengthening westerly winds allowed a return to our traditional Port Roundings. RD Chris Staiger ran a combination of Medium and Long courses. Dennis Rogers dominated the fleet of eleven IOM’s; missing a perfect score of “6”‘ by a single point. Results follow:

DF95 R-8 Final Results:

CONGRATULATIONS to Mark Golison, the 2024 Region 8 Dragonflite95 Champion! Racing was extremely close with 2 of the top 5 positions being decided via tie-breaks. Thanks to our Race Committee Members who worked so hard to host this regatta and congratulations to our Corinthian Award Winner, Henry Johnson!

Video courtesy of Steve Ross & Kerim Baran:


A healthy group of DF 95 skippers faired well today with no fowl weather and no fowl language.. Jess Atkinson was the master of ceremony and directed a full day of sailing on Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond. At stake today was winners rights to a booty of fresh fowl for the Thanksgiving table!

Prior to racing skippers gathered around Dennis Rogers for an informative tuning seminar. Dennis shared valuable setup and tuning tricks for the DF95. I think everyone learned something from the class..Dennis is FAST!

Jess got us all thinking about the four boat circle with four DF95 yachts parked bow too stern on the grass . The visualization gave us a good refresher on how to avoid problems when rounding the leeward mark. The stage was set and skippers were eager to bring home the bacon! Tom Warren backed up the class with expert assist at the start and finish. GREAT JOB!

Chris & Team Rogers
Race #2, Race #5, Race #8, I think


Don’t Forget



San Diego Argonauts welcomed new member, Len Bose, to our group. He will be sailing IOM and DF95. We hope to see him often!

This is starting to sound like a broken record! Our June overhead is still very grey!
Despite that rather chilly detail a good group of skippers turned out for DF95 and IOM Points races. Light winds ruled our pond and in fact became lighter as the afternoon progressed. Chris Staiger set the marks and Kim Robbins managed collections while Gil scrambled back home for his missing transmitter :{ RD Gil got the DF 95 fleet on a short clock a few minutes after noon, with a mixture of 4 medium, 1 long and 1 short courses to complete six heats. Nice sailing!

Sean O’Connor was our volunteer Race Director for the IOM fleet today. Thank you Sean!

Our IOM fleet was about 5 skippers short today, as they are competing in the Region 6 Regatta in Foster City. We missed them on the starting line and wish them good luck!

Volunteers make this all possible! Lend a hand when you can!

Thank You Volunteers!

Sean O’Connor, Patt Nevitt, Steve Ross, Kim Robbins, Chris Staiger and Keith Sternal

Smooth Sailing, Gil

DF95 Summer Fun Regatta

A quick review of the fun regatta. Great wind most of the day and it was great to be in cooler weather than we’ve had recently.  As you can see 17 skippers showed up for a fun regatta. That was awesome. Our goal was to have fun and to practice our rules. After a bumpy first couple of races and getting everyone on board with hailing protests properly the regatta ran very smoothly and I don’t know about the skippers, but I think everyone had a great time.

Race Director – Ben Reeve 

Welcome back Kerim! Thank You Hudson for superb drone footage..
Parts of Race #5 & #7

After the event we had Ken, Robert, Keith, Steve, Tom and others help put the equipment away and help with scoring. Awesome volunteering today. Of course the BBQ hot dog round table hosted by our VC of Sail Bob ended the event on high spirits. 

Thanks to all who came out and made today a fun event!



Aug.20- DF95,IOM

Sept.3 Sol50,ODOM, S/B

Sept.10- DF95,IOM

Oct. 1- ODOM,Sol50, S/B

Oct. 8- IOM Fun Regatta

Oct. 15-DF95,IOM

Nov.5- Sol50,ODOM, S/B


Dec.3- ODOM,Sol50,S/B


Dec.17-Holiday Lights

JUNE Sail Division UPDATE

It seems fitting that our June report would appear on the summer solstice with the surprising monsoon clouds pouring in from the east. Did someone just flip the summer switch?

I’ve been absent most the month but it appears lots of good vibes are happening on our pond. The following is an update thanks to the numerous contributions of club members.

Cultivating interest in our hobby is something all of us should be excited about. Sailing is challenging, engaging and fun. It also helps build and sustain our hobby and club. Here is an experience Ben Reeve had to share. It puts a smile on my face!

Hey Skippers,
Just a happy little story from today…
Sharing your controller with a visitor at the pond can be a very rewarding and heartfelt experience.  Today, between races, I overheard someone asking some questions of a skipper who had just taken his boat out of the water.  I had just finished a practice race and went over to offer my controller to the Mom, and her two kids.  They had driven by and stopped on their way to the airport to see what we were doing and were getting ready to leave back to Colorado.  
I handed my controller to Delaney who I found out actually had a little sailing knowledge sailing her very own 18’ day sailor on the lake in CO.  She took to the IOM very well, and here’s a photograph of how she felt about it.
As you can see, she’s all smiles and was having a fantastic time.  After a few moments of getting used to the controls she even started a race, with me coaching and did pretty well. Her brother Evan was on a DF95 shortly after this with another skipper handing over the controller.  Both were all smiles in no time.  They didn’t have much time, but after about 30mins we shook hands with Mom and Evan, and I got a little hug from Delaney for making her day.  It’s safe to say she is hooked on RC sailing! 
SO PLEASE – when someone asks questions, take a moment and share our joys and passion of the sport.  Pretty soon these two will be back, and you can bet they will be hard to beat!  
Wishing you all good winds! 


A Note From our Vice Commodore of Sail, Bob Williams:

We have 15 more Pts Races this year and we NEED to fill the following schedule. If you volunteer for a particular date & you cannot make that date it is your responsibility to find a substitute & notify VCS Bob! It is obvious that sailors do not want to get the skiff out to set & pick up marks.If you are not comfortable about doing this , ask for assistance as I am sure others will help you!! If not, I will appoint you some help! Please email me your volunteer RD dates

Thank you, Bob!

July 2 -Sol50,ODOM , S/B

July 23 -DF95, IOM

Aug.6 -ODOM,Sol50,S/B

Aug.13 DF95 Fun Regatta

Aug.20- DF95,IOM

Sept.3 Sol50,ODOM, S/B

Sept.10- DF95,IOM

Oct. 1- ODOM,Sol50, S/B

Oct. 8- IOM Fun Regatta

Oct. 15-DF95,IOM

Nov.5- Sol50,ODOM, S/B


Dec.3- ODOM,Sol50,S/B


Dec.17-Holiday Lights

2022 Midseason Cumulative Points Update

Thanks to our score keeper, Ken Campbell, posted are cumulative points for active fleets in Sail Division. Club Points Regattas are conducted two Saturdays a month. This year we have skippers sailing DF95, IOM, SOLING 50 and ODOM class RC sailboats on Mission Bay Yacht Model Pond. If you are interested in joining the regatta activity, it’s not too late to get in on the fun.

See You At the Pond, Gil