The San Diego Argonauts are hosting their annual Region 6 Midwinters IOM Regatta this weekend and welcomed a talented group of skippers from across the USA, Brazil, Puerto Rico and Barbados. On Friday we also had the opportunity to host a blossoming Southern California Marblehead fleet with a one day Regatta. Twelve Races were run and it was a delight to witness these sleek fast yachts on our pond.

Despite ominous weather predictions regarding a large cut off low pressure system wandering off our Southern California coast, skies were sunny and we experienced a perfect winter day in San Diego. Winds were a little slow to get going but once the on shore began, light sea breezes lasted through late afternoon. A good day of challenging sailing!

Stay tuned.. More good sailing tomorrow!


As we waited for a more prevailing breeze to fill in Fred Rocha presented Special Recognition Awards to our international skippers. Dan Mueller- Brazil, Tony Gonsalves- Barbados and Cristian Plaza- Puerto Rico truly raised the bar at this regional event. Special Appreciation awards were also presented to Dan Shier for Outstanding AMYA Promotion, Derek Landeau- Technical Chairman and Doug Hart- Protest Chairman.

Our beautiful sunny morning was quickly replaced by an upper cloud deck that blanketed our bay. South winds that had plagued us earlier finally shifted right. Heat Number Five-A Fleet started mid day in a light SW 4-5 mph breeze. That said, the entire day winds were light and variable with huge holes and all fleets were challenged. Fred Rocha, determined to completes as many heats as possible, shortened, adjusted and shifted the marks as winds clocked back to the left. GREAT JOB FRED!

Last Heats of the day. The temperature drops.. The winds drop.. and light rain drops..


A special thank you to all the participants and volunteers that made this event successful and fun!