A pesky low pressure system fouled our wind and weather for our Oct 15 pond sailing fleets! Despite threatening sky’s and extremely variable conditions, determined skippers tested their skills and luck.
Our robust DF95 fleet sailed their series of 6 races first. Medium course was generally the rule until late in the series when things were shortened up due to a waning breeze.

The IOM fleet had their turn in the pool just in time for the gentle breeze to turn into barely a breath. Race one, the short course, was just about an all day sucker! IOM race two, a medium course, began in true ghosting conditions. With the lifeless fleet spread out and drifting the rain and thunder eventually finalized this race day. Most made it through the finish line and the IOM’s retired after two drifters.

A Special recognition to our RD’s: Craig Mackey and John Roger’s. Also thank you Jason Brooks and Kim Robinson for mark setting and retrieval. Your help is appreciated by all!
Bob Williams fired up the grill and served up yummy hot dogs for deserving participants. Several skippers commented the BBQ was the highlight of the day.

See You at The Pond!