San Diego Argonauts welcomed new member, Len Bose, to our group. He will be sailing IOM and DF95. We hope to see him often!
This is starting to sound like a broken record! Our June overhead is still very grey!
Despite that rather chilly detail a good group of skippers turned out for DF95 and IOM Points races. Light winds ruled our pond and in fact became lighter as the afternoon progressed. Chris Staiger set the marks and Kim Robbins managed collections while Gil scrambled back home for his missing transmitter :{ RD Gil got the DF 95 fleet on a short clock a few minutes after noon, with a mixture of 4 medium, 1 long and 1 short courses to complete six heats. Nice sailing!

Sean O’Connor was our volunteer Race Director for the IOM fleet today. Thank you Sean!

Our IOM fleet was about 5 skippers short today, as they are competing in the Region 6 Regatta in Foster City. We missed them on the starting line and wish them good luck!
Volunteers make this all possible! Lend a hand when you can!
Thank You Volunteers!
Sean O’Connor, Patt Nevitt, Steve Ross, Kim Robbins, Chris Staiger and Keith Sternal
Smooth Sailing, Gil