Saturday Jan. 4 the San Diego Argonauts were honored to have Jess Atkinson conduct the 2025 DF95 Tuning & Race Performance Clinic. This is the first in a series of seminars designed to help with tuning and racing practice. In short, an effort to raise the bar of sailing in our pond..
Jess started the clinic with a step-by-step setup procedure for the DF95, sharing race proven setting that will put your boat in perfect balance for speed on the race course. Skippers asked numerous detailed questions and it was apparent this was valuable information for even the seasoned R/C sailor. The group also included a new R/C Sailing member.. Welcome John!
After the tuning portion 16 eager skippers, with well tuned rigs, headed to the water for starting drill practice. The challenge.. a 30 second start clock. A tight starting line. A very short weather leg. Up and back as fast as you can. With NO touching other boats! You touch..two boats out.. A great drill! Now do that 25 times..
Jess also discussed numerous strategies to get the most out of your boat on the water, course positioning while racing, how to avoid getting in the tough spots and how to get out.. One of the final water practices was the 360 drill. Fast tacks and jibes to stay in the race even if you foul. A Fantastic Day! Thank You Jess!
Chris Davidson
Dennis Rodgers
Keith Sternal
Jason Brooks
Chris Staiger
Jon Rogers
ODOM and Soling 50 skippers concluded the 2023 Points Season with nice participation from both fleets. Mission Bay delivered a typical fall day with plenty of sunshine and a very light onshore breeze. It was tedious sailing for sure, but rather difficult to complain about the weather.
Ty Beach, RD for the ODOM fleet, manned the skiff and set marks and course for a south west wind direction. Ty modified our normal route to the weather offset mark and choose a starboard rounding, reaching left to right. On the medium course the starting line became a gate.. It’s good to mix it up! Thank you Ty for volunteering!
The light breeze continued with a shift to the right by the time the Soling 50 fleet launched into action. Tom Warren, our RD adjusted the course back to our more normal port rounding and shortened the weather leg to accommodate the even lighter afternoon conditions. It was a drifter but the fleet managed to complete the six heat series. Thank you Tom!
A healthy group of DF 95 skippers faired well today with no fowl weather and no fowl language.. Jess Atkinson was the master of ceremony and directed a full day of sailing on Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond. At stake today was winners rights to a booty of fresh fowl for the Thanksgiving table!
Prior to racing skippers gathered around Dennis Rogers for an informative tuning seminar. Dennis shared valuable setup and tuning tricks for the DF95. I think everyone learned something from the class..Dennis is FAST!
Jess got us all thinking about the four boat circle with four DF95 yachts parked bow too stern on the grass . The visualization gave us a good refresher on how to avoid problems when rounding the leeward mark. The stage was set and skippers were eager to bring home the bacon! Tom Warren backed up the class with expert assist at the start and finish. GREAT JOB!
A fantastic day greeted a nice group of skippers, on our last points event for October. DF95 and IOM fleets experienced consistent 6-10mph north west breezes that held trough out the day.
Craig Mackey was our volunteer Race Director for the DF95 fleet and managed 6 races on our standard medium course. There was some tight racing in the in the top ranks but Dennis Rogers came out on top with some beautiful sailing.
Chris Staiger stepped up as Race Director for the IOM fleet. The wind was favorable for long courses, so five longs and one modified (“Freddy”) medium course filled up the day. Mike Fruciano made the road trip from Arizona.. Thank you Mike for your participation! Congratulations Dennis Rogers for some very consistent sailing!
Bob Williams, once again, pushed that semi-portable grill half way around the world to serve up his specialty.. HOT DOGS!! Thank you Bob!!
Thank You Pat Nevitt for the beautiful score sheets.. YOU ROCK!! After all, scores are the meat of this post!
Argonauts skippers experienced a beautiful summer like day on Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond. A perfect time of the year in San Diego to enjoy a day of sailing! The sea breeze held through out the day with the typical and unpredictable shifts, making for a challenging day on the water.
Special thanks to our volunteer Race Directors that stepped in at the last minute to fill the void. Chris Staiger set the marks and called the action for our ODOM fleet. Pat Nevitt was the Race Director for the Soling 50 fleet and tallied the scores. We truly appreciate what you do!
Welcome to September on Mission Bay! We were greeted this morning with light drizzle and flukey onshore breezes. The Soling 50 fleet continues a strong showing of yachts. Considering the holiday weekend we did great with 10 skippers! The ODOM class seems to be holding steady at around a half dozen boats.. It was especially challenging for the Soling 50 fleet, as wind was lighter in the first three heats and there were obvious moments of ghosting with tell-tales sticking to the wet mylar. The ODOM fleet was second on the pond and managed a little more pressure as the air warmed up and blue sky pushed the clouds inland. Nice sailing by all skippers today!
Special thanks to volunteer Keith Sternal for a full day of race direction. He was out on the water early setting the marks and managing a full day of medium courses! Six races for each fleet, then back in the skiff at days end retrieving all our pins! I think we owe Kieth a cold beer or two! Steve Ross was backing up the score cards with his pen. I bet he earned a beer as well!