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Jan. 6 Sail Points-Soling 50 & ODOM

There were many glassy holes on our pond for the first races of the 2024 season. That said, each fleet managed 6 races just in time for happy hour! (happy is getting home before dark). VC Sail, Chris Staiger handled the workload, setting marks, RD’ing both fleets and even some entertainment with a broken oar trick. Chris even demonstrated his Venetian gondola poling technique while standing in the skiff. (not coast guard approved). All good fun!

Our ODOM fleet is growing and it’s fun to see skippers from other classes take the helm of that classy little pond yacht. The ODOM fleet welcomed Steve Ross, Pat Nevitt, Tom Warren and Dennis Rogers to the roster. It should be a fun year with these added skippers on the line.

Pat Nevitt is once again our score keeper for 2024.. Thank You Pat for volunteering!

January 19th is the SDA AWARDS BANQUET. January 12 is the deadline to pay. Don’t miss the boat!

Smooth Sailing, Gil

Sail Points Dec. 10-DF95 & IOM

The Argonauts had a really nice turnout for the final Saturday series of the 2022 sailing season. Sunny weather held throughout the day with a surprisingly consistent west breeze in the 4-6 mph range. Each fleet had 6 races with the DF95 skippers on the water first. The starting clock sounded  at 12:05pm and the fleet was challenged to a medium course. Light conditions prevailed and fear the wind gods might abandon our pond, the remaining 5 races were assigned our short race course. Dennis Roger’s sailed a beautiful series finishing at the top! A great way to finish off the year!

Thank You-Race Management Volunteers

DF 95 RD- Gil Jansky

Scoring Assistant- Steve Ross

IOM RD- Scott Harris

Scoring Assistant- Paul Hart

Skiff & Mark Clean up- Kim & Gil

The IOM fleet had their turn on the pond with nearly identical wind conditions. Skippers chose sailing six races in a row in order to maximize wind and the expiring afternoon daylight. A few medium races and the rest short courses made it a good day on the water. Thanks to all our skippers today! We look forward to 2023 and a growing competitive IOM fleet.





Mark is now actively collecting fees for our awards banquet. The cost will be $30.00 per person. In order to expedite matters, please pay with a check made out to the San Diego Argonauts.

Send Check to:                                            Mark Hallberg

                                                                         4989 Old Cliffs Road

                                                                        San Diego, CA. 92120

Or, hand check to Mark at the Pond. Please include the number of guests you are bringing.

Mark would like to have a final count for the MBYC administration by the middle of December. They would be expecting at least 40 attendees. Realize, also, that this get together is for the entire club membership, though Sail Awards will be given out. Both the Scale and Power division members are invited.

This will be our first banquet in a few years and it will be held at an excellent venue. January 21st, 2023. Hor D’Oeuvers are served at 5PM, with dinner at 6PM.


2023 Membership Drive

Tis the season to renew your San Diego Argonauts annual membership. The process is easy, fast and affordable! Here are a few easy steps to get another fun year of activities and Camaraderie with our unique R/C boat club.

Fill out the 2023 Membership Form that can be downloaded from this website.

$20 cash or check, with completed Membership Form to Gil Jansky. 

Endorse $20 check to San Diego Argonauts R/C Model Boat Club.

Mail to:

Gil Jansky

10641 Gabacho Dr.

San Diego, Ca 92124

PayPal – Contact the Purser:

Request a membership PayPal invoice and pay using the link you receive via email (no need to have a PayPal account).

Your support and participation is greatly appreciated.

Gil Jansky-Purser


See You At The Pond

DF95 Summer Fun Regatta

A quick review of the fun regatta. Great wind most of the day and it was great to be in cooler weather than we’ve had recently.  As you can see 17 skippers showed up for a fun regatta. That was awesome. Our goal was to have fun and to practice our rules. After a bumpy first couple of races and getting everyone on board with hailing protests properly the regatta ran very smoothly and I don’t know about the skippers, but I think everyone had a great time.

Race Director – Ben Reeve 

Welcome back Kerim! Thank You Hudson for superb drone footage..
Parts of Race #5 & #7

After the event we had Ken, Robert, Keith, Steve, Tom and others help put the equipment away and help with scoring. Awesome volunteering today. Of course the BBQ hot dog round table hosted by our VC of Sail Bob ended the event on high spirits. 

Thanks to all who came out and made today a fun event!



Aug.20- DF95,IOM

Sept.3 Sol50,ODOM, S/B

Sept.10- DF95,IOM

Oct. 1- ODOM,Sol50, S/B

Oct. 8- IOM Fun Regatta

Oct. 15-DF95,IOM

Nov.5- Sol50,ODOM, S/B


Dec.3- ODOM,Sol50,S/B


Dec.17-Holiday Lights

AUG. -ODOM & Soling 50 Points

Race Directors- Dennis Rogers & Gil Jansky

Tom Warren & Kim Robbins- course mark wrangling

San Diego Argonauts launched into August points races with full summer conditions. Our pond, located right on the edge of the marine layer shield and sunshine, benefits with prevailing NW sea breezes.  Today, our warm small waters event provided 3-13mph conditions. (gusto) FUN!

The topic of Ken Campbell’s racing rules clinic focused on leeward gate rounding. Thank you Ken for another informative discussion.

Five ODOM skippers were on the clock at noon, under the direction of Dennis Rogers. Generously heeling ODOMS began their six race series with all medium courses. Great sailing guys!

Eight Soling 50’s were on the course next to what Chris Staiger described as “one of craziest wind conditions he ever experienced with his Soling.” Boats heeled from a dramatic punch from the right, then appeared headed with little or no wind at all on the bow.  I must say, Chris handled it well!

Commodore Mark Hallberg was on site, taking notes and joined the “peanut gallery” for some great camaraderie. VC Bob Williams held the group together with his untethered support and good old fashioned hot dogs after the day of sailing. Thank you all that participated!

See you at the Pond!

Soling 50-May 14 Fun Regatta

Hey all,

Today was the Soling 50 Fun Day Regatta. The event was held under partly cloudy skies and a wonderful 75 degree weather. Blowing pretty much down the pond, the wind was between 5-7 with at times up to 10mph. We had six skippers attending todays battle for bragging rights. Before we get to the scores, shout out to Kim, Ty, and Bob for helping me retrieve the buoys, clean up and put it all away. 

A total of 12 races were made with two throw outs given at the end of racing. There were 10 medium courses, 1 short, and 1 long course. Several breakdowns hindered a couple of skippers but most finished the racing by days end. Without further ado, the final scores:

Ken Campbell    15
Chris Staiger      17
Ty Beach             22
Gerry Wold         42
Kim Robbins       45
Ken Wild              59

Thank you


Ben Reeve gets the Gold Medal of Appreciation for RD and scoring a fun day of sailing!

If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing!

Hat & T-Shirt Orders

Members have been asking for hats and T-shirts for quite some time! Bob Williams has been working on your requests!! This is a unique opportunity to spruce up your wardrobe and support Sail Division, just in time for summer..

New Sail Division T Shirts – Digital Printed Back and Front

Ball Cap Navy with Embroidery Sail Division Logo

I Think you NEED a hat!



Sand Bar Reduction Program-How Low Can We Go??

A two foot pipe on the south east side of our pond supplies the daily tidal flow to our cool little estuary. The currents created, through the pipe, by the flood and ebb of sea water shift the sand and create a shoal or island. Numerous skippers have run aground. Not good! You guessed it..start digging!

Who pulled the plug?
Kim-One “Man Skip Loader”
Drone Footage-Kerim Baran

San Diego Argonaut volunteers have been working diligently to prepare for the 2022 sailing season and the IOM Midwinters 3 Day Regatta, Feb. 18,19 & 20. The skiff and launching dolly refinishing project was completed this weekend. Nice job guys.. our little mark setting skiff should service us for years to come!

A special note from VC Sail Bob Williams:

I want to thank Kim, Tom, Gil, Kerim, Keith, & Freddie for lowering the sandbar on Sat. The skiff & trailer repairs are finished & please take care when using them! Bob VCS

City workers are scheduled to rake/scrape the pond shore line while the water level is down. The valve will be re-opened and we should be up to full level in a few days!
FEBRUARY 18, 19 &20

This will be a fun spectator event with continuous sailing action throughout the day! Bring your camera and chair.. Volunteer if you can, extra hands are always welcome..