Eddy wind conditions seemed to tease an apparent disagreement with our weak onshore flow. So-back and forth the argument went, most of the day!
Conditions were described as some of the most challenging winds we have experienced on our pond for quite some time. Ken Campbell described it like this – “There were a lot of opportunities out there today”.
No matter what your position on the water happened to be, there was no denying the variable wind angles and velocities we all experienced! Nice sailing to all skippers that participated!
Todays Race Directors:
IOM-RD Scott Harris
DF95 RD- Kim Robbins
A special thanks to any extra hands that helped make our racing day possible.
Thank You Ken Campbell for July scores and cumulative points for the 2022 Sailing Season. There are five more months of challenging racing for skippers waiting to jump into the pond!! Please join the fun.
VC Bob Williams. You can’t keep this man down!! Bob deserves a standing ovation and full round of applause for his efforts in keeping our club moving forward and in fresh cooked hot dogs after each Saturday of points racing.
If you have not experienced the post racing BBQ. Well why??
It looks like we have definitely overcome the May gray and June gloom syndromes as sailors were greeted by picture perfect summer weather, excellent winds and delightful pond conditions. Also a huge surprise, traffic and parking were quite tolerable for a holiday weekend!
A special thank you for the crew that helped make these races possible. “R” white striped referee RD Ken Campbell, Gil Jansky for left biased and drifty mark setting, Kim Robbins for mark retrieval and skiff clean-up and Bob Williams for post racing hot dog rewards.
The first three ODOM races Gerry Wold was inadvertently affected by a rubber band handicap. During lunch break, Gerry discovered a rubber band wrapped around his keel bulb! Finger printing and DNA sampling are being conducted to determine if it was sabotage or a naturally occurring pond phenomenon? Non the less Gerry is still FAST!
There is a lot to this thing we call sailing and its not just about winning a race, so I asked google:
What’s fun about sailing? What’s so great about sailing?
Sailing is an invigorating sport that offers many rewards, not the least of which is that it’s simply so much fun. Imagine white sails billowing against a clear sky, the brisk feel of the breeze on your face, and the gentle motions of the boat as it cleanly slices through the water.
Some sailors gain a profound sense of oneness with their boat, the sea, and the wind. The boat becomes a self-contained universe, the process of sailing becomes all-consuming. Any sense of time changes and expands, small moments becoming more important. Sailing can be a meditative, reflective and engrossing experience.
Just to the east of our little pond, by the wind graph above, you can see we had a typical summer day on Mission Bay. Then add resorts, pine trees, parking lots and other obstructions to the equation.. You get the idea.. This is a pretty challenging place to sail!
A HUGE Thank You and extended hand of appreciation to our Argonaut leadership. This would not be possible without them! Fred Rocha, Rob Wood, Bill Bridge, Sean O’Connor and our new interim secretary Al Waters. These are all volunteers pouring a tremendous amount of positive energy into OUR organization!
“It is such a pleasure to see a fleet of racers that are doing their best to enjoy these little boats and the racing. It is so cool that the few disagreements we have (mostly caused by the distance between us and our boats) are discussed and resolved with very little frustration. You all have a very special thing going. I would venture to say that it’s a bit unique.” Bueno, J. Rogers
Thank you to all the Argonauts that participated in todays races. It looks like, from the scores, we have some consistently talented sailors in our fleet that can really read the wind! Check out the cool drone video’s provided by Kerim Baran.
July 17th SCALE DIVISION FULL DAY – Scale Age of Steam
July 24th 11:30 Skippers Meeting 12:00 SOLING 50 SUMMER REGATTA
July 31st
11:00 Sail Clinic12:00 – 16:00 Open Water
On this holiday I feel it is an ideal time to express my appreciation to ALL members that make our hobby and recreation possible at “Our Pond”. This includes every member.. You all count. A huge THANK YOU for you participation!
For those who are still in dry dock, now is the time to dust off the rigs and start becoming active again. Our Santa Barbara fleet is looking for more boats and invite all inactive sailors back. ODOM’s and Soling 50’s are also always looking for more competitive fleets. It’s time to join in on the fun!
It is said that “It Takes a Village”. Now is a good time to get involved. Just for the love of our hobby and camaraderie. It’s not just about winning a race. It’s about success as a group. It’s time to pull together and make Race-Week a huge success! For those whose have not registered for their perspective fleet, time is running short.
Thank You Ken Campbell for another informative Racing Rules Clinic. These seminars can provide useful information and help us all become better sailors. One of the topics of discussions was calling for room with port/starboard boat situations and obstructions. I think he has a crystal ball..
Fred Rocha once again set a fun course with predominant southwest to west winds averaging 8-9mph. Fred also served as RD extraordinaire!! Our hats are off for VC of Sail!
Soling 50’s sailed a 6 race series with just a small handful of on the water fouls. Two discrepancies were heard by protest committee Rogers 3 & Rogers 2+1. I think it is always easier and kinder to the scoresheet to clear infractions on the water.
2 S/B’s and ODOM’s with a delayed start, shared the course for a six race series. Nice Sailing.
Thank You Kim Robbins and Jeff Fletcher for assisting Fred Rocha with equipment cleanup and storage.. The lock was checked twice!
July 10th 10:00 SDA Race Week Meeting 11:00 Racing Rules of Sailing Seminar 11:45 Skippers Meeting 12:00 – 16:00 Sail Points IOM – DF95
July 17th SCALE DIVISION FULL DAY – Scale Age of Steam
July 24th 11:30 Skippers Meeting 12:00 SOLING 50 SUMMER REGATTA