San Diego Argonauts welcomed new member, Len Bose, to our group. He will be sailing IOM and DF95. We hope to see him often!
This is starting to sound like a broken record! Our June overhead is still very grey!
Despite that rather chilly detail a good group of skippers turned out for DF95 and IOM Points races. Light winds ruled our pond and in fact became lighter as the afternoon progressed. Chris Staiger set the marks and Kim Robbins managed collections while Gil scrambled back home for his missing transmitter :{ RD Gil got the DF 95 fleet on a short clock a few minutes after noon, with a mixture of 4 medium, 1 long and 1 short courses to complete six heats. Nice sailing!
Sean O’Connor was our volunteer Race Director for the IOM fleet today. Thank you Sean!
Our IOM fleet was about 5 skippers short today, as they are competing in the Region 6 Regatta in Foster City. We missed them on the starting line and wish them good luck!
Volunteers make this all possible! Lend a hand when you can!
Thank You Volunteers!
Sean O’Connor, Patt Nevitt, Steve Ross, Kim Robbins, Chris Staiger and Keith Sternal
Saturday brought out a handful of heavy weather sailors to our pond, as winds teased to small craft advisory levels! Ken Campbells statement, that was included with his sailing scores, pretty much says it all – “In my 20-plus years of racing at the pond, I don’t believe I’ve ever sailed here in winds as heavy as today. I’d estimate it was blowing at least 18 knots, with gusts well above that.”
Just before skippers headed to the water for sailing action Ken Campbell held a Sailing Rules Clinic covering a number of issues that are common on the race course. Kerim Baran documented the seminar. Thank you Ken & Kerim!
Leeward boat rights at the Start Line
Room to Tack at an Obstruction –
Port-starboard with multiple boats on Port
Inside the Zone at the FInish Line
Inside overlap when rounding a Mark
Soling Race #6. Captured in a series of 3 videos. Winds gusting over 20 knots. Check out Ty’s boat speed in Video #2 from 3:55 to 4:30.
Special thanks to Kerim Baran for navigating the drone in WIND!
In anticipation for an exciting 2022 sailing season our Argonaut maintenance team got the jump on some much needed skiff repairs and refinishing projects. Bob Williams and Steve Ross spearheaded the operation. Bob arranged the welding repairs of our launching dolly. It needed major chassis and axle work to keep it in service. Steve was are go-to materials and supply man. Gil provided additional elbow grease and light humor during the daily routine of sanding and painting. Ben Reeve wrote some pretty nice checks! The end result will add years more service to our launching equipment.. I hope everyone likes black!
Lets get back to the important stuff.. SAILING!
Saturday, February 5, was another San Diego “chamber of commerce” day! Full sunshine with light sea breezes greeted our Mission Bay pond. Prior to our start, Barbie paraded the shoreline on a scale air boat.. I guess she has moved on from pontoon boats and Corona’s!
Shortly after noon, under the race direction of Ben Reeve, ODOM skippers launched into a 6 race series. Winds were in the 6 to 8 mile per hour range with the usual holes and shifts. The following are the results:
Soling 50 skippers were up next with a similar wind range but seemingly more extreme shifts as the later afternoon winds favored a more northerly direction. I would describe it as a mixing bowl of swirling breeze.
We appreciate every participant and volunteer. You make this club possible!
Register for the event! Or stop by to watch the action!
IOM MIDFWINTERS, Feb. 18, 19 & 20
If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing Boats, Scale Boats or Power Boats!
After being spoiled with zero wind and points races being cancelled last week, IOM and DF95 sailors experienced offshore and onshore winds competing for dominance today. Looking at the wind graph for Mission Bay I’d say our pond handled the conditions fairly well as sailors had nice breezes to work with.
Special Thanks to our support crews today! Ben Reeve and Bill Bridge served as RD. VC Bob Williams and Dave Strong. Ken Campbell for score sheets. NICE WORK!!
Commodore, Mark Hallberg was on hand to kick off the 2022 Sailing Season with an introduction to, Steve Delva, our newly elected and much needed Argonaut Secretary. Thank you Steve!
Mark also expressed an optimistic outlook to this years club social activities as we look forward to award banquets and more pond side barbecues. The fun light is on!
VC Bob Williams.. If you want to get scored in 2022 Points Races.. JOIN the ARGONAUTS! We welcome all sailors!
Ben Reeve was our trusted RD for the day and assembled an eager staff of volunteers that helped run a smooth day of racing. Tom Warren jumped in with mark setting and mark moving. Ben, Kim, Greg and Gil with boat clean up and storage. Ken Campbell for confirming and posting results. It takes a village. Thank You!
SOLING 50″s all clear!
Weather conditions for the first races of the season were cool and calm with just enough sea breeze to keep our hulls moving and complete 6 races for each class. Seven Soling 50’s started the series at noon in a medium overcast sky with south west winds in the 6 mph range. As the day progressed and the ODOM fleet had their turn on the pond, wind shifted to the right and became progressively lighter and variable. Short courses up and down were called in order to salvage 6 races. A day of challenging conditions and great competition!
SOLING 50’s on the weather off-set mark..Run to find the windBeat to the finish lineMad flyer to make something happen!
Special thanks to our photographer Sandra, warm hands, Jansky for snapping some action shots in between warming sessions next to the heater. We all appreciate your sailing images!
Ken and two Barbies sipping Corona tall ones.. Typical Navy guys getting an eye full!
If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing!