Per our Vice Chancellor of sail Fred Rocha..
SATURDAY SEPT. 11- DF95 and IOM POINTS Racing Rules Clinic will begin at 11 am Skippers’ Meeting at 11:45am Sailing to begin at 12 noon.
I think most skippers would agree that this was one of the windiest Saturday points races we have experienced in a long time and a heck of a lot of fun. We were all hopeful Santa Barbara skippers would join in on the excellent winds. Unfortunately, our solo S/B skipper, Dunham Reilly, was unable to race. We need 3 boats San Diego!! Soling 50 and ODOM sailors benefited and got an additional few races under their belts with 6 races per class.
Fred Rocha had the row boat out early and set the marks for the right shifted winds. Ben Reeve was RD for the day with some assistance scoring from Bob Hirsch. Ken Campbell conducted an informative Racing Rules Seminar. Much gratitude to our support team!

Our fleet of six Soling 50’s started their races at noon with consistent building NW winds that increased as the day progressed. Good sailing action with no breakdowns or water below the decks! Yet..

ODOM skippers experienced more pressure on the water from additional wind and equipment challenges. The downwind run & sometimes broad reach became a submarine ride in the right gust. Those little grommet holes for sheets and adjustments all of a sudden welcomed sea water into the hold. Exciting sailing!

After a full day of fun on the pond Ben Reeve was there to man the row boat and extract marks. Gary Martin and Gil washed er all down and locked er away till next time. Scoring cards Ken Campbell.. Thanks all for participating.
If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing!