Category Archives: Events

DF95 & IOM-February Points

Twelve DF95 and five IOM Skippers closed out February points racing with delightful sailing conditions. Newbie RD Gil and seasoned score keeper Bill Bridge were the days event managers. 

The 95 fleet was on the course just after noon with a nice WNW breeze in the 6-8 mph range. As the afternoon progressed the wind range increased at the same time predictability decreased. Shifty and gusty! 95 skippers made the best of it with 6 fun races.

Our fleet of five IOM’s had their turn on the pond with winds continuing to pulse. Skippers experienced gusts and occasional speedy bow down conditions to light and variable drifty areas of water. Some refer to it as a  “crap shoot”! Observing the best skippers consistently score high in these conditions it appears there is more than just luck! Keep working.

After a fun day of sailing VC Bob Williams fired up our new grill that was generously donated by Steve Delva. Bob experimented with a new blackened hot dog recipe, that was not fully approved by Julia Child; but turned out to be wildly acknowledged by all attendees! Bob also presented beautiful hand made trophies to Bill Bridge, Ben Reeve and Gil Jansky for their recent volunteer efforts. Thank you Bob!

A fun day indeed.. Bring on March!

2022 IOM Midwinters Regatta- Final Day

Sunday morning on the Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond found skippers is quiet contemplation and focused trimming and tuning for the final day of the IOM Midwinters Regatta in San Diego. The pond waters were still as skippers shared ideas and tuning techniques among their friends and competitors. This class has a truly a collaborative group of skippers, which continues to raise and inspire a higher level of sailing.

Sea breezes begin to freshen as Fred Rocha calls a 10:30 am Skippers Meeting. “C” fleet is on the course for a 10:45 am start and another perfect day of pond sailing!


Congratulation! Mark Gollison- 1st Place
Jess Atkinson- 2nd Place
Gary Boell- 3rd Place
George Pedrick- 4th Place
Christian Plaza- 5th Place
Various segments from Races 15A, 16C, 16B, 18A

Special appreciation go to our dedicated IOM sailors that attended this years annual Midwinters Regatta in San Diego. Without your passionate interest and participation in this unique sport and hobby, our pond culture would not be the same. Good Luck in future regattas and see you next year!

This event was made possible by unconditional support from club volunteers: Kim Robbins, Bill Bridge, Ben Reeve, Commodore, Mark Hallberg, Dennis Rogers and Kerim Baran. Each one added a special contribution to make this a great event. VC of Sail, Bob Williams, has been a driving force to our club success.. NICE JOB!

Last but not least.. The man with all the energy and enthusiasm for our sailing addiction, Fred Rocha!! We could not do this without your genuine drive and passion! YOU ARE AMAZING.. Thank You!


2022 IOM Midwinters Regatta-San Diego, Day 2

Our pond was greeted by a beautiful sunny morning, relaxing offshore flow and early prevailing NW breeze. Not to be argued with in the middle of February! Good sailing was abundant throughout the day with C fleet hitting the water at 11AM and A fleet ending the day while the sky was turning sunset orange. Thank you Fred Rocha for the tight rounds!


Special Thanks to Kerim Baran for spectacular drone footage.

segments from Races 7C, 7B, 7A, 8C. Captured in a series of 8 videos

2022 IOM Midwinters Regatta-San Diego, Day 1

The San Diego Argonauts launched their three day IOM Midwinters Regatta with twenty six eager skippers and perfect perfect summer-like weather on Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond. Water level was a bit skinny due to recent maintenance and shoreline work, so our fleet was divided into 3 heats in order to avoid traffic issues. Sea breezes freshened by mid day with increasingly challenging shifts as the day progressed. Fred Rocha, master organizer and RD extraordinaire directed a full day of sailing for all!

3-2-1 LAUNCH
FEBRUARY 18, 19 and 20

Conditions are looking favorable for another great day of sailing tomorrow! Smooth Sailing..

Sand Bar Reduction Program-How Low Can We Go??

A two foot pipe on the south east side of our pond supplies the daily tidal flow to our cool little estuary. The currents created, through the pipe, by the flood and ebb of sea water shift the sand and create a shoal or island. Numerous skippers have run aground. Not good! You guessed it..start digging!

Who pulled the plug?
Kim-One “Man Skip Loader”
Drone Footage-Kerim Baran

San Diego Argonaut volunteers have been working diligently to prepare for the 2022 sailing season and the IOM Midwinters 3 Day Regatta, Feb. 18,19 & 20. The skiff and launching dolly refinishing project was completed this weekend. Nice job guys.. our little mark setting skiff should service us for years to come!

A special note from VC Sail Bob Williams:

I want to thank Kim, Tom, Gil, Kerim, Keith, & Freddie for lowering the sandbar on Sat. The skiff & trailer repairs are finished & please take care when using them! Bob VCS

City workers are scheduled to rake/scrape the pond shore line while the water level is down. The valve will be re-opened and we should be up to full level in a few days!
FEBRUARY 18, 19 &20

This will be a fun spectator event with continuous sailing action throughout the day! Bring your camera and chair.. Volunteer if you can, extra hands are always welcome..

February Update

In anticipation for an exciting 2022 sailing season our Argonaut maintenance team got the jump on some much needed skiff repairs and refinishing projects. Bob Williams and Steve Ross spearheaded the operation. Bob arranged the welding repairs of our launching dolly. It needed major chassis and axle work to keep it in service. Steve was are go-to materials and supply man. Gil provided additional elbow grease and light humor during the daily routine of sanding and painting. Ben Reeve wrote some pretty nice checks! The end result will add years more service to our launching equipment.. I hope everyone likes black!

Lets get back to the important stuff.. SAILING!

Saturday, February 5, was another San Diego “chamber of commerce” day! Full sunshine with light sea breezes greeted our Mission Bay pond. Prior to our start, Barbie paraded the shoreline on a scale air boat.. I guess she has moved on from pontoon boats and Corona’s!

Shortly after noon, under the race direction of Ben Reeve, ODOM skippers launched into a 6 race series. Winds were in the 6 to 8 mile per hour range with the usual holes and shifts. The following are the results:

Soling 50 skippers were up next with a similar wind range but seemingly more extreme shifts as the later afternoon winds favored a more northerly direction. I would describe it as a mixing bowl of swirling breeze.

We appreciate every participant and volunteer. You make this club possible!

FEBRUARY 18, 19 & 20

Register for the event! Or stop by to watch the action!

IOM MIDFWINTERS, Feb. 18, 19 & 20

If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing Boats, Scale Boats or Power Boats!


After being spoiled with zero wind and points races being cancelled last week, IOM and DF95 sailors experienced offshore and onshore winds competing for dominance today. Looking at the wind graph for Mission Bay I’d say our pond handled the conditions fairly well as sailors had nice breezes to work with.

Special Thanks to our support crews today! Ben Reeve and Bill Bridge served as RD. VC Bob Williams and Dave Strong. Ken Campbell for score sheets. NICE WORK!!


SAIL POINTS, Jan. 8, 2022

Commodore, Mark Hallberg – Have Fun!

Commodore, Mark Hallberg was on hand to kick off the 2022 Sailing Season with an introduction to, Steve Delva, our newly elected and much needed Argonaut Secretary. Thank you Steve!

Mark also expressed an optimistic outlook to this years club social activities as we look forward to award banquets and more pond side barbecues. The fun light is on!

VC Bob Williams.. If you want to get scored in 2022 Points Races.. JOIN the ARGONAUTS! We welcome all sailors!

2022 Membership Form

Ben Reeve was our trusted RD for the day and assembled  an eager staff of volunteers that helped run a smooth day of racing. Tom Warren jumped in with mark setting and mark moving. Ben, Kim, Greg and Gil with boat clean up and storage. Ken Campbell for confirming and posting results. It takes a village. Thank You!

SOLING 50″s all clear!

Weather conditions for the first races of the season were cool and calm with just enough sea breeze to keep our hulls moving and complete 6 races for each class. Seven Soling 50’s started the series at noon in a medium overcast sky with south west winds in the 6 mph range. As the day progressed and the ODOM fleet had their turn on the pond, wind shifted to the right and became progressively lighter and variable. Short courses up and down were called in order to salvage 6 races. A day of challenging conditions and great competition!

SOLING 50’s on the weather off-set mark..
Run to find the wind
Beat to the finish line
Mad flyer to make something happen!


Special thanks to our photographer Sandra, warm hands, Jansky for snapping some action shots in between warming sessions next to the heater. We all appreciate your sailing images!

Ken and two Barbies sipping Corona tall ones.. Typical Navy guys getting an eye full!

If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing!

Smooth Sailing, Gil

2022 San Diego Argonauts & IOM Midwinters Regatta

I trust all skippers are having a wonderful Holiday! This is a perfect time to reflect on last seasons highlights and plan for a fresh 2022 sailing season. Get those boat repairs and rig tuning issues knocked out early and don’t forget to update your Argonauts membership and AMYA enrollments.

Lets get started on our pond with a fun 3 day IOM MIDWINTERS REGATTA, Feb 18, 19 & 20! The days are starting to get longer and winds typically reliable. Registration is now open.

Register for the 2022 San Diego Argonauts IOM Midwinters Regatta

The more IOM’s on the starting line the more fun! Lets make this list grow!

San Diego Argonauts 2022 Calendar

11 December IOM &DF95 Points

IOM and DF95 skippers finished the 2021 sailing season with a perfect fall day on our Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond. It looked like a good group of sailors considering the many commitments we navigate this close to the holidays. Thank You to all participants and volunteers that made this event possible.

Congratulations to First Place IOM Skipper Ken Campbell and First Place DF95 Skipper Dennis Rogers. FANTASTIC SAILING!