May is here! Gray is here! But spring breezes are beginning to frequent our Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond with skippers continually challenged to our tricky sailing conditions. Five Soling and Six ODOM racers greeted the opportunity to test their patience and skills.
Category Archives: Videos
DF95 & IOM – April Points Races
Partly cloudy and cool temperature day at the Pond. Winds mostly W & NW. Shifty and gusty day. With gusts reaching low teens, we had nine DF95s and five IOMs competing this Saturday.
Thank you Tom Warren and Jon Rogers for RD’ing the DF95s and IOMs and setting and clearing the course. And, thank you Bob Williams for running the BBQ and hot dogs post race! Thank you to everyone else who contributed in making this another beautiful day at the pond.
Before the races, we had a brief Racing Rules Clinic with Ken Campbell explaining the “Port vs. Starboard rules at the Windward Mark”.
The results and some select scenes for the DF95 and IOM races can be seen below.
ODOM and Soling 50- April Points
Grey overcast. Temperature hovering around 60 degrees. Light 3-7 SW winds early. Shifting right slightly as the day progressed. These are the conditions our pond sailors experienced this Saturday. Not exactly ice fishing weather, but a warming hut may have been welcomed by a few crew members.
Ben Reeve, our volunteer RD for the ODOM Class, set a standard mark/course arrangement. Bens row boat etiquette is definitely improving! Steve Ross was scoring the slow motion action while Pat Nevitt monitored mark rounding’s. Ben passed the RD baton to Karim Baran, who managed the Soling 50 races. Thank You to all helpers.
Before the skippers meeting Ken Campbell reviewed barging at the starting line and ways to avoid getting trapped between the pin and other boats. Kerim Baran documented the seminar for the benefit of all.
We had six ODOMs and four Soling 50’s each making 6 appearances at the starting gate. Here are the results:
Videos from today’s Soling 50 races:
(All 6 races are captured in one video. The first 3 were shot from the sidelines, the last 3 from the drone.)
The peanut gallery is alive and well!
Don’t forget to order your hats and t-shirts! Bob Williams is eager to take your order.
A Closing note from Ben Reeve:
“In 2022 we’re all quite aware of basically everyone having a camera in there phone and I see many people taking pictures and would really love to see some of those photos shared with the membership. Here I am providing some of the vintage photos I have taken recently. Vintage in that I have used several cameras that are 40 to 100 years old recently at the pond. These are unedited negatives scans straight from the camera. Enjoy and don’t forget to share your photos.” All contributions are welcome and appreciated!
Sooth Sailing, Gil
MAR19 IOM & DF95 Points
March was an active month on our pond with three consecutive weekends of sailing events! Thank You, to all that participated!
The month wraps up with IOM and DF95 fleets, with a competitive day of sailing. Winds were favorable all day and each fleet easy completed a series of six races.
Prior to racing and our skippers meeting Ken Campbell conducted a 10 minute discussion with the topics When do the Rules Apply and Proper Hailing. Hailing is a subject all skippers are aware of, but challenged to initiate, while engaged on the water. There were numerous questions and clarifications during this seminar. The challenge to all is taking the knowledge to the race course. Kerim documented the class:
Before the races, Commodore Mark Hallberg recognized volunteers by handing out cash awards to those who routinely contribute to club activities. This was a huge incentive to get involved with our club. Don’t spend your dividends all in one place!
IOM’s were on the course at noon, greeted by southwest winds in the 6-8mph range. Medium courses were the norm. As the day progressed and the IOM’s had a few races under their belt, winds shifted right for a little variation. Nice conditions!
The fleet of twelve DF95 started their series of six races with slightly freshening wind conditions and competitive racing. Chris Stager is back on the Argonauts sailing circuit with years of RC racing experience. It’s great to see the level of competition continue to grow!
At the end of the day Bob Williams, on his 80th Birthday, fired up the grill and served delicious hot dogs. Happy Birthday Bob.. Thank you for all you do!
Bill Bridge – Skiff and Mark Prep
Ken Campbell – Rules Seminars & Points Scoring
Ben Reeve – Registration & Collections
Kerim Baran – IOM RD and Drone Video Documentarian
Gil Jansky – Course Marks / RD DF95 series
Commodore, Mark Hallberg – Assistant RD and Scoring
VC Sail, Bob Williams – Grill Master
Keith Sternal – Skiff Clean-Up
Smooth Sailing, Gil
The First Annual ODOM Burnt Hot Dog Fun Race was attended by 7 eager skippers with intentions of capturing the illusive perpetual award. Kim Robbins set an excellent course. Ben Reeve our RD extraordinaire managed a total of 12 races with 2 throw-outs, in fairly consistent winds. An active and festive “peanut gallery” had a great time watching and commenting on the races. Was that Irish music I heard playing pond side?? Everyone seemed to be having a really good time!
After a fun day on the water Bob Williams fired up the grill as skippers enjoyed hot dogs and great camaraderie!
We thank all our volunteers that consistently lend a hand to the various activities that support our club. Your dedication is appreciated!
MAR5 Sail Points
Saturday brought out a handful of heavy weather sailors to our pond, as winds teased to small craft advisory levels! Ken Campbells statement, that was included with his sailing scores, pretty much says it all – “In my 20-plus years of racing at the pond, I don’t believe I’ve ever sailed here in winds as heavy as today. I’d estimate it was blowing at least 18 knots, with gusts well above that.”
Just before skippers headed to the water for sailing action Ken Campbell held a Sailing Rules Clinic covering a number of issues that are common on the race course. Kerim Baran documented the seminar. Thank you Ken & Kerim!
Special thanks to Kerim Baran for navigating the drone in WIND!
DF95 & IOM-February Points
Twelve DF95 and five IOM Skippers closed out February points racing with delightful sailing conditions. Newbie RD Gil and seasoned score keeper Bill Bridge were the days event managers.
The 95 fleet was on the course just after noon with a nice WNW breeze in the 6-8 mph range. As the afternoon progressed the wind range increased at the same time predictability decreased. Shifty and gusty! 95 skippers made the best of it with 6 fun races.
Our fleet of five IOM’s had their turn on the pond with winds continuing to pulse. Skippers experienced gusts and occasional speedy bow down conditions to light and variable drifty areas of water. Some refer to it as a “crap shoot”! Observing the best skippers consistently score high in these conditions it appears there is more than just luck! Keep working.
After a fun day of sailing VC Bob Williams fired up our new grill that was generously donated by Steve Delva. Bob experimented with a new blackened hot dog recipe, that was not fully approved by Julia Child; but turned out to be wildly acknowledged by all attendees! Bob also presented beautiful hand made trophies to Bill Bridge, Ben Reeve and Gil Jansky for their recent volunteer efforts. Thank you Bob!
A fun day indeed.. Bring on March!
2022 IOM Midwinters Regatta- Final Day
Sunday morning on the Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond found skippers is quiet contemplation and focused trimming and tuning for the final day of the IOM Midwinters Regatta in San Diego. The pond waters were still as skippers shared ideas and tuning techniques among their friends and competitors. This class has a truly a collaborative group of skippers, which continues to raise and inspire a higher level of sailing.
Sea breezes begin to freshen as Fred Rocha calls a 10:30 am Skippers Meeting. “C” fleet is on the course for a 10:45 am start and another perfect day of pond sailing!
Special appreciation go to our dedicated IOM sailors that attended this years annual Midwinters Regatta in San Diego. Without your passionate interest and participation in this unique sport and hobby, our pond culture would not be the same. Good Luck in future regattas and see you next year!
This event was made possible by unconditional support from club volunteers: Kim Robbins, Bill Bridge, Ben Reeve, Commodore, Mark Hallberg, Dennis Rogers and Kerim Baran. Each one added a special contribution to make this a great event. VC of Sail, Bob Williams, has been a driving force to our club success.. NICE JOB!
Last but not least.. The man with all the energy and enthusiasm for our sailing addiction, Fred Rocha!! We could not do this without your genuine drive and passion! YOU ARE AMAZING.. Thank You!
2022 IOM Midwinters Regatta-San Diego, Day 2
Our pond was greeted by a beautiful sunny morning, relaxing offshore flow and early prevailing NW breeze. Not to be argued with in the middle of February! Good sailing was abundant throughout the day with C fleet hitting the water at 11AM and A fleet ending the day while the sky was turning sunset orange. Thank you Fred Rocha for the tight rounds!
Special Thanks to Kerim Baran for spectacular drone footage.
Sand Bar Reduction Program-How Low Can We Go??
A two foot pipe on the south east side of our pond supplies the daily tidal flow to our cool little estuary. The currents created, through the pipe, by the flood and ebb of sea water shift the sand and create a shoal or island. Numerous skippers have run aground. Not good! You guessed it..start digging!
San Diego Argonaut volunteers have been working diligently to prepare for the 2022 sailing season and the IOM Midwinters 3 Day Regatta, Feb. 18,19 & 20. The skiff and launching dolly refinishing project was completed this weekend. Nice job guys.. our little mark setting skiff should service us for years to come!