2019 RC Model Boat mini Parade of Lights

Check out the San Diego Argonauts’ lighted remote controlled model boats! We’ll launch the Christmas season with our tiny Model Boat Parade of Lights at the San Diego Model Boat Pond.

Public is welcome. Bring a chair. Enjoy the little lights!

Event Flyer

Model Boaters:  If you have a scale model boat, start working on your lights. Be sure to bring a warm sweater, a hot beverage, and a great camera. This is going to be another beautiful event!

  • Date: Saturday, December 21, 2019
  • Time: 4:30pm – 7:00pm
  • Location: San Diego Model Yacht Pond
  • More info on Facebook

In case you’re new to the mini Parade of Lights, here’s a video from January 2015:

And David Manley’s video from 2016:

Ideas for easy RC model boat lights.

NOR: 2019 Santa Barbara One-Day Summer Fun Regatta, Saturday August 24th

 Notice of Race 

Present by The San Diego Argonauts – AMYA #8 


Santa Barbara Summer Fun Regatta 

When: Saturday August 24, 2019 

Where: Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond, San Diego CA 


8/24/2019: Saturday 

09:00 —– Late Registration and Check-in, 

10:00 —– Skipper’s Meeting 

10:30 —– Warning Signal 

11:00 —– Race 

13:00 —– Lunch, or as determined by the PRO 

16:00 —– PRO’S discretion to continue (wind conditions factor) 

Race Chairman: Tom Gardner, Commodore, San Diego Argonauts 

PRO: Tom Gardner, tgardneocen@att.net or 760 390 0105 

Protest Committee: TBA 

Scoring & Timekeeping: Glenda Gardner, or as determined 

Administration: The San Diego Argonauts 

Rules: This regatta is governed by the RRS 2017-2020, HMS 2016, Santa Barbara class rules, San Diego Argonauts Season 2019 Sailing Instructions. (sandiegoargonauts.com) 

Eligibility: This regatta is open to all Santa Barbara class boats. 

Registration and Check In. Late registration is available on-site registration the day of the event. Check-in with the Scorekeeper includes checking the skipper’s name, sail numbers, and a request for email if not already available. Please note your frequency if other than 2.4GHz. 

Measurements and Weight check: none 

Scoring & Racing System: Low Point scoring will apply in a single fleet format. Scoring in accordance to RRS Appendix A. The number of races will be no less than 12 with 2 throw-outs. 

Breaks between races will be determined by the PRO. 

Entry fee is $15 per boat. This includes your morning coffee and lunch and beverages for the day and awards. Entry fees are payable by PayPal or by check made out to San Diego Argonauts. 

Entry Deadline: Friday August 23, 2019. Late entries will be accepted on the day of the event. Late entries will be Charged $20; cash or check. 

Pre-Registration & Fees: Pre-registration will help the Race Committee and organizers to plan the event effectively and eliminate any potential conflicts. A lunch meal (great sandwiches) is planned and you may order yours as part of the Registration. Registration is available on the Argonauts Website: or Facebook page, or on the AMYA Race Schedule page for August 2019. All sites allow for registration and payment with PayPal on the JotForm provided. https://form.jotform.com/90276573638972 Please register early for this event. 

Registration by mail. Entry fees can be by US mail, please send the registration form (below) along with a check for $15.00 made out to San Diego Argonauts and send to: 

Tom Gardner, 2821 Ocean Village Way, Oceanside Ca. 92054 

Awards: Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 positions. 

Liability: All those entering or taking part in this regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. The San Diego Argonauts & any other parties involved in the organization of this event, disclaim any and all responsibility whatsoever for the loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to persons and or goods, both ashore and on the water, as a consequence of entering or participating in the event covered by this NOR. 

Conduct: Unsportsmanlike behavior can reflect negatively on the sport. The San Diego Argonauts, in partnership with AMYA seek to provide a sailing environment that is respectful to all competitors and free of hostility, and improper language. Therefore, Race Officials will, if need be, protest the party or parties for unsportsmanlike conduct in accordance with RRS 2 or 69.1. Penalties available to the Protest Committee include exclusion from the race in question subsequent races or exclusion from the regatta. 

Entry Form 

To the Participants: 

At all times, the responsibility for the safety of their boat & themselves, including the decision to participate or continue shall rest with the competitors. By entering this event, it is deemed that you accept these conditions. Competitors are advised to ensure that they have adequate insurance that provides coverage for public liability and their possible injury in the State of California. 




Phone: _______________________________ 




Hull design: Santa Barbara 

As skipper of the Santa Barbara, sail # _________, I hereby declare that the vessel complies with all the rules of the Santa Barbara Class measurement requirements that are current as of this date. 

By signing this entry form, I agree to all the terms & conditions set forth in the NOR. 



Mail this entry form along with check to: 

PayPal registration link https://form.jotform.com/90276573638972 

2019 Region 6 Dragonflight 95 June Gloom Regatta

Brought to you by: The San Diego Argonauts AMYA club #8

When: June 22-23
Where: Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond, San Diego CA
Notice of Race (NOR): We would like to humbly invite you to participate in the 2019 “Dragonflight 95 June Gloom”Regatta
6/22/2019: Saturday
08:30—–Check-in,signstatementofgoodfaith. Weightcheck
10:00 —– Skipper’s Meeting
10:30 —– Warning Signal
11:00 —– Race
1300 —– Lunch (sandwich)
1700 —– PRO’S discretion to continue (wind conditions factor)
6/23/2019: Sunday
0900 —– Open Practice
0950 —– Warning Signal
1000 —– Race
1230 —– Lunch (sandwich)
1500 —– PRO’S discretion to continue (wind conditions factor)
1530 —– Awards Ceremony
Race Chairman: David Woodward
Protest Committee: TBA
Official Measurer: David Woodward
Scoring & Timekeeping: TBA
Administration: The San Diego Argonauts
Rules: This regatta is governed by the RRS 2017-2020, HMS 2016, DF95 class rules
Eligibility: This regatta is open to all DF95 class boats.
Registration & Event Measurement: Skippers will be asked to sign a statement of good faith on the morning of check in, Saturday morning. Measurements will be conducted at the desecration of the race committee (If something looks ridiculously out of the spirt of the DF95 class rules, it will be measured. The skipper may be disqualified from participating in the event)
Weight check: battery
Scoring & Racing System: The scoring will be carried out in accordance with the HMS 2016, Promotion / Relegation Six (6). The number of boats promoted/ relegated may be adjusted by the PRO at the skippers meeting.Racing Format: Utilizing the HMS fleet management system for scoring.

Pre-Registration & Fees: In order to assure possible radio conflict, number conflict and food ordering, please register early for this event. Entry fees can be either made by Pay-Pal or mail entry to:
David Woodward 404 Silverado Imperial CA, 92251
Entry fee is only USD $65 per boat. This includes your lunches and beverages for 2 days. Fees are payable by PayPal or by check to The San Diego Argonauts (cash on day of race for the late folks, which will be USD $70)https://form.jotform.com/90277210872961

Frequencies: Note your frequency to the race committee at sign up if using something other than 2.4 GHz radio. This way we can ensure there are no conflicts with other skippers.
Awards: Prizes will be awarded to the first 5 positions and Corinthian Sailor. Other prizes may be given out at the discretion of the race committee (this is dependent on the number of skippers attending)

Liability: All those entering or taking part in this regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. The San Diego Argonauts & any other parties involved in the organization of this event, disclaim any and all responsibility whatsoever for the loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that may occur to persons and or goods, both ashore and on the water, as a consequence of entering or participating in the event covered by this NOR.

Notice of Race (NOR)

At all times, the responsibility for the safety of their boat & themselves, including the decision to participate or continue shall rest with the competitors. By entering this event, it is deemed that you accept these conditions. Competitors are advised to ensure that they have adequate insurance that provides coverage for public liability and their possible injury in the Country and County of this event.

Entry Deadline: 6/21/2019 late entries may be accepted on site at the discretion of the Race Chairman. Late entries will be $70 and cash only. There are no refunds for entries after 6/22/2019.
Conduct: Poor unsportsmanlike behavior can reflect negatively on the sport, all competitors are advised that their actions will be under scrutiny by race officials. In the event race officials witness any behavior which they deem to be a breach of good manners or sportsmanship, or which may bring the sport into disrepute, the Principal Race Officer assisted by the race officials will protest the party or parties in accordance with RRS 2 or 69.1.

The PRO, all race officials & observers have been directed to record any incidents which will be dealt with to the full extent available to the Protest Committee. Penalties available to the Protest Committee include exclusion from the race in question subsequent races or exclusion from the regatta.

Name:______________________________ Address:_____________________________

______________________________ Phone: _______________________________

Email:________________________________ AMYA#:______________________________ Sail#:________
Hull design: Dragonflight 95

By signing this entry form, I agree to all the terms & conditions set forth in the NOR. Signature:___________________________________
Mail this entry form along with check to:

PayPal registration link  https://form.jotform.com/90277210872961

——————————————————————————————————————————-Statement of Good Faith

I hereby declare that this DF95 Hull & Rig (sail #_______), complies with all the rules of the DF95 class measurement regulations that are current for the dates of this event.


Signature:___________________________ Date:___________————————————————————————————————————————-

Argonauts / WWCC Booth at North County mini Maker Faire

Argonauts & Western Warship Combat Club will have a combined booth promoting model boating. Come volunteer at or visit the booth and show off RC model boating.

All attendees are interested in making things…let’s show ’em little boats!

Plus, you can’t beat the amazing location of the Antique Gas & Steam Museum.

More info: on North county mini Maker Faire: https://northcounty.makerfaire.com/

Argonauts Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/285939349020236/