Category Archives: Events
AUG.20-DF95 & IOM Points
We had a nice turnout for both fleets. Eddy winds, everyones favorite (just kidding), was the theme for this Saturday’s DF95 & IOM points racing. Wind pulses, lulls and holes presented a veritable obstacle course that enabled all skippers opportunities and disappointments during their 6 race series. Thanks to all that participated!
DF95 Race Director- Greg Williams
IOM Race Director- Scott Harris
Prior to our racing schedule Ken Campbell offered up some useful tips on Windward Leeward Rights at the starting line and Proper Course at the weather mark, during his Racing Rules Seminar. Several followup questions on finish line right of way issues were also discussed. Thank you Ken.
Footage from this past weekend’s IOM Point Races captured in a series of 5 videos. Races 1,2, 4, 5, 6 were recorded. Race 4 was recorded partially (second upwind leg and beyond). Race 5 had some technical difficulties at the end. Thank You Karim for the extraordinary drone perspective!
The day ended with a fine Hot Dog BBQ prepared by, VC of Sail / Chef, Bob Williams. We all thank Bob for his ongoing support and enthusiasm for our passion of RC Sailing!
Sept.3- Sol50,ODOM, S/B
Sept.10- DF95, IOM
Oct. 1- ODOM, Sol50, S/B
Oct. 8- IOM Fun Regatta
Oct. 15- DF95 ,IOM
Nov.5- Sol50,ODOM, S/B
Nov.19- IOM, DF95
Dec.3- ODOM, Sol50, S/B
Dec.10- DF95, IOM
Dec.17- Holiday Lights
Smooth Sailing, Gil
DF95 Summer Fun Regatta
A quick review of the fun regatta. Great wind most of the day and it was great to be in cooler weather than we’ve had recently. As you can see 17 skippers showed up for a fun regatta. That was awesome. Our goal was to have fun and to practice our rules. After a bumpy first couple of races and getting everyone on board with hailing protests properly the regatta ran very smoothly and I don’t know about the skippers, but I think everyone had a great time.
Race Director – Ben Reeve
Welcome back Kerim! Thank You Hudson for superb drone footage..
After the event we had Ken, Robert, Keith, Steve, Tom and others help put the equipment away and help with scoring. Awesome volunteering today. Of course the BBQ hot dog round table hosted by our VC of Sail Bob ended the event on high spirits.
Thanks to all who came out and made today a fun event!
Aug.20- DF95,IOM
Sept.3 Sol50,ODOM, S/B
Sept.10- DF95,IOM
Oct. 1- ODOM,Sol50, S/B
Oct. 8- IOM Fun Regatta
Oct. 15-DF95,IOM
Nov.5- Sol50,ODOM, S/B
Dec.3- ODOM,Sol50,S/B
Dec.17-Holiday Lights
AUG. -ODOM & Soling 50 Points
Race Directors- Dennis Rogers & Gil Jansky
Tom Warren & Kim Robbins- course mark wrangling
San Diego Argonauts launched into August points races with full summer conditions. Our pond, located right on the edge of the marine layer shield and sunshine, benefits with prevailing NW sea breezes. Today, our warm small waters event provided 3-13mph conditions. (gusto) FUN!
The topic of Ken Campbell’s racing rules clinic focused on leeward gate rounding. Thank you Ken for another informative discussion.
Five ODOM skippers were on the clock at noon, under the direction of Dennis Rogers. Generously heeling ODOMS began their six race series with all medium courses. Great sailing guys!
Eight Soling 50’s were on the course next to what Chris Staiger described as “one of craziest wind conditions he ever experienced with his Soling.” Boats heeled from a dramatic punch from the right, then appeared headed with little or no wind at all on the bow. I must say, Chris handled it well!
Commodore Mark Hallberg was on site, taking notes and joined the “peanut gallery” for some great camaraderie. VC Bob Williams held the group together with his untethered support and good old fashioned hot dogs after the day of sailing. Thank you all that participated!
See you at the Pond!
July 23 Points-DF95 & IOM
Eddy wind conditions seemed to tease an apparent disagreement with our weak onshore flow. So-back and forth the argument went, most of the day!
Conditions were described as some of the most challenging winds we have experienced on our pond for quite some time. Ken Campbell described it like this – “There were a lot of opportunities out there today”.
No matter what your position on the water happened to be, there was no denying the variable wind angles and velocities we all experienced! Nice sailing to all skippers that participated!
Todays Race Directors:
IOM-RD Scott Harris
DF95 RD- Kim Robbins
A special thanks to any extra hands that helped make our racing day possible.
Thank You Ken Campbell for July scores and cumulative points for the 2022 Sailing Season. There are five more months of challenging racing for skippers waiting to jump into the pond!! Please join the fun.
VC Bob Williams. You can’t keep this man down!! Bob deserves a standing ovation and full round of applause for his efforts in keeping our club moving forward and in fresh cooked hot dogs after each Saturday of points racing.
If you have not experienced the post racing BBQ. Well why??
Saturday, AUGUST 6 11:30AM Skippers Meeting / First Race Noon ODOM, SOLING 50, Santa Barbara
“The goal is not to sail the boat, but rather to help the boat sail herself.” — John Rousmaniere, American Author
July 2, 2022-Soling 50 & ODOM Points
It looks like we have definitely overcome the May gray and June gloom syndromes as sailors were greeted by picture perfect summer weather, excellent winds and delightful pond conditions. Also a huge surprise, traffic and parking were quite tolerable for a holiday weekend!
A special thank you for the crew that helped make these races possible. “R” white striped referee RD Ken Campbell, Gil Jansky for left biased and drifty mark setting, Kim Robbins for mark retrieval and skiff clean-up and Bob Williams for post racing hot dog rewards.
The first three ODOM races Gerry Wold was inadvertently affected by a rubber band handicap. During lunch break, Gerry discovered a rubber band wrapped around his keel bulb! Finger printing and DNA sampling are being conducted to determine if it was sabotage or a naturally occurring pond phenomenon? Non the less Gerry is still FAST!
There is a lot to this thing we call sailing and its not just about winning a race, so I asked google:
What’s fun about sailing? What’s so great about sailing?
Sailing is an invigorating sport that offers many rewards, not the least of which is that it’s simply so much fun. Imagine white sails billowing against a clear sky, the brisk feel of the breeze on your face, and the gentle motions of the boat as it cleanly slices through the water.
Some sailors gain a profound sense of oneness with their boat, the sea, and the wind. The boat becomes a self-contained universe, the process of sailing becomes all-consuming. Any sense of time changes and expands, small moments becoming more important. Sailing can be a meditative, reflective and engrossing experience.
See You At The Pond!
May 21- IOM & DF95 Points
Cool weather, thick stratus and spring time eddy breezes were the dominant forces at our sailing pond today with IOM and DF 95 skippers navigating the highly variable aquatic landscape!
VC Bob Williams motivated todays enthusiastic team of RD’s and support team. Our group expresses genuine appreciation to Kerim Baran, Ken Wild and Steve Delva for RD duties and course setting. Ken Campbell’s Racing Rules Clinic/Score keeper and Bill Bridge and numerous other hands assisted with clean up!
We had a respectable showing of eight IOM skippers. Plus a generous showing in the DF 95 fleet, with twenty boats challenging the starting line. Thank you to all that participated!
After a strenuous day of sailing skippers were treated to another great hotdog bbq at the boat shed. Thank you Bob Williams for another fun day at the pond!
Smooth Sailing!
Soling 50-May 14 Fun Regatta
Hey all,
Today was the Soling 50 Fun Day Regatta. The event was held under partly cloudy skies and a wonderful 75 degree weather. Blowing pretty much down the pond, the wind was between 5-7 with at times up to 10mph. We had six skippers attending todays battle for bragging rights. Before we get to the scores, shout out to Kim, Ty, and Bob for helping me retrieve the buoys, clean up and put it all away.
A total of 12 races were made with two throw outs given at the end of racing. There were 10 medium courses, 1 short, and 1 long course. Several breakdowns hindered a couple of skippers but most finished the racing by days end. Without further ado, the final scores:
Ken Campbell 15
Chris Staiger 17
Ty Beach 22
Gerry Wold 42
Kim Robbins 45
Ken Wild 59
Thank you
Ben Reeve gets the Gold Medal of Appreciation for RD and scoring a fun day of sailing!
If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing!
MAR19 IOM & DF95 Points
March was an active month on our pond with three consecutive weekends of sailing events! Thank You, to all that participated!
The month wraps up with IOM and DF95 fleets, with a competitive day of sailing. Winds were favorable all day and each fleet easy completed a series of six races.
Prior to racing and our skippers meeting Ken Campbell conducted a 10 minute discussion with the topics When do the Rules Apply and Proper Hailing. Hailing is a subject all skippers are aware of, but challenged to initiate, while engaged on the water. There were numerous questions and clarifications during this seminar. The challenge to all is taking the knowledge to the race course. Kerim documented the class:
Before the races, Commodore Mark Hallberg recognized volunteers by handing out cash awards to those who routinely contribute to club activities. This was a huge incentive to get involved with our club. Don’t spend your dividends all in one place!
IOM’s were on the course at noon, greeted by southwest winds in the 6-8mph range. Medium courses were the norm. As the day progressed and the IOM’s had a few races under their belt, winds shifted right for a little variation. Nice conditions!
The fleet of twelve DF95 started their series of six races with slightly freshening wind conditions and competitive racing. Chris Stager is back on the Argonauts sailing circuit with years of RC racing experience. It’s great to see the level of competition continue to grow!
At the end of the day Bob Williams, on his 80th Birthday, fired up the grill and served delicious hot dogs. Happy Birthday Bob.. Thank you for all you do!
Bill Bridge – Skiff and Mark Prep
Ken Campbell – Rules Seminars & Points Scoring
Ben Reeve – Registration & Collections
Kerim Baran – IOM RD and Drone Video Documentarian
Gil Jansky – Course Marks / RD DF95 series
Commodore, Mark Hallberg – Assistant RD and Scoring
VC Sail, Bob Williams – Grill Master
Keith Sternal – Skiff Clean-Up
Smooth Sailing, Gil