Tag Archives: Soling 50

NOVEMBER 5, 2022

November is a busy month for our club with voting /changing of club officers, planning a January awards banquet, coordinating the 2023 activities and events calendar and closing out the 2022 Pond Season with More Racing. HERE we GO!



Wishing Pat a speedy recovery!

One of the most important things we do as as social club is recognize and help members and friends that would benefit from our thoughts and prayers. Patt Nevitt has been fighting health issues for many months. He has sailed and contributed to the Argonauts even when his energy level was low and he felt horrible. Likely, many of us didn’t even realize what he was fighting. Last Thursday Pat had major surgery and is now recovering in the hospital. Tom Warren and others have created a thoughtful incentive for Pat to make a speedy recovery. A picture board full of great memories and get well wishes from us all.. We are all pulling for you Pat!


2023 Officers

Commodore Mark Hallberg kicked off our meeting today with voting and a club consensus of our 2023 officers. Much appreciation should be directed to our 2022 board members that helped us recover from the dismal COVID years. Great Job!

Congratulations to our new Argonauts Officers: 

Commodore- Tom Warren

Vice Commodore Sail- Steve Ross

Vice Commodore Scale- Rob Wood

Vice Commodore Power- Bill Bridge

Secretary- Steve Delva

Purser- Gil Jansky



Mark is now actively collecting fees for our awards banquet. The cost will be $30.00 per person. In order to expedite matters, please pay with a check made out to the San Diego Argonauts.

Send Check to: Mark Hallberg

                                                                         4989 Old Cliffs Road

                                                                        San Diego, CA. 92120

Or, hand check to Mark at the Pond. Please include the number of guests you are bringing.

Mark would like to have a final count for the MBYC administration by the middle of December. They would be expecting at least 40 attendees. Realize, also, that this get together is for the entire club membership, though Sail Awards will be given out. Both the Scale and Power division members are invited.

This will be our first banquet in a few years and it will be held at an excellent venue. January 21st, 2023. Hor D’Oeuvers are served at 5PM, with dinner at 6PM.


NOVEMBER 5, Points- Soling 50 & ODOM

We are winding down the final 2 months of the 2022 Sailing Season and today we had a nice showing of Soling 50 and ODOM skippers. It truly was a perfect fall day in San Diego. The sea breeze was a little better than anticipated and ranged from about 2-8mph with shifting directions from W to NNW. Fleets managed 6 races each with mostly medium courses. Nice sailing today!

Todays RD’s:

Gil Jansky-Soling 50

Bill Bridge-ODOM






Smooth Sailing, Gil

OCT2022 Points-Soling 50 & ODOM

A big thank you goes to Kim, Tom, Steve for assisting in volunteering as RD’s & helping out with the RD. duties. And thank you Ken for the racing results!

VCS, Bob!

Thank You Kerim Baran for documenting Ken Campbell’s Racing Rules Clinic:

The San Diego Argonauts also held an IOM Fun Regatta on October 8. I understand the event was a lot of fun, but lightly attended. I will post results and other information when they become available.


See Ya at the Pond, Gil

AUG. -ODOM & Soling 50 Points

Race Directors- Dennis Rogers & Gil Jansky

Tom Warren & Kim Robbins- course mark wrangling

San Diego Argonauts launched into August points races with full summer conditions. Our pond, located right on the edge of the marine layer shield and sunshine, benefits with prevailing NW sea breezes.  Today, our warm small waters event provided 3-13mph conditions. (gusto) FUN!

The topic of Ken Campbell’s racing rules clinic focused on leeward gate rounding. Thank you Ken for another informative discussion.

Five ODOM skippers were on the clock at noon, under the direction of Dennis Rogers. Generously heeling ODOMS began their six race series with all medium courses. Great sailing guys!

Eight Soling 50’s were on the course next to what Chris Staiger described as “one of craziest wind conditions he ever experienced with his Soling.” Boats heeled from a dramatic punch from the right, then appeared headed with little or no wind at all on the bow.  I must say, Chris handled it well!

Commodore Mark Hallberg was on site, taking notes and joined the “peanut gallery” for some great camaraderie. VC Bob Williams held the group together with his untethered support and good old fashioned hot dogs after the day of sailing. Thank you all that participated!

See you at the Pond!

July 2, 2022-Soling 50 & ODOM Points

It looks like we have definitely overcome the May gray and June gloom syndromes as sailors were greeted by picture perfect summer weather, excellent winds and delightful pond conditions. Also a huge surprise, traffic and parking were quite tolerable for a holiday weekend!

A special thank you for the crew that helped make these races possible. “R” white striped referee RD Ken Campbell, Gil Jansky for left biased and drifty mark setting, Kim Robbins for mark retrieval and skiff clean-up and Bob Williams for post racing hot dog rewards.


The first three ODOM races Gerry Wold was inadvertently affected by a rubber band handicap. During lunch break, Gerry discovered a rubber band wrapped around his keel bulb! Finger printing and DNA sampling are being conducted to determine if it was sabotage or a naturally occurring pond phenomenon? Non the less Gerry is still FAST!


There is a lot to this thing we call sailing and its not just about winning a race, so I asked google:

What’s fun about sailing? What’s so great about sailing?


Sailing is an invigorating sport that offers many rewards, not the least of which is that it’s simply so much fun. Imagine white sails billowing against a clear sky, the brisk feel of the breeze on your face, and the gentle motions of the boat as it cleanly slices through the water.

Some sailors gain a profound sense of oneness with their boat, the sea, and the wind. The boat becomes a self-contained universe, the process of sailing becomes all-consuming. Any sense of time changes and expands, small moments becoming more important. Sailing can be a meditative, reflective and engrossing experience.

Sail On

See You At The Pond!

JUNE Sail Division UPDATE

It seems fitting that our June report would appear on the summer solstice with the surprising monsoon clouds pouring in from the east. Did someone just flip the summer switch?

I’ve been absent most the month but it appears lots of good vibes are happening on our pond. The following is an update thanks to the numerous contributions of club members.

Cultivating interest in our hobby is something all of us should be excited about. Sailing is challenging, engaging and fun. It also helps build and sustain our hobby and club. Here is an experience Ben Reeve had to share. It puts a smile on my face!

Hey Skippers,
Just a happy little story from today…
Sharing your controller with a visitor at the pond can be a very rewarding and heartfelt experience.  Today, between races, I overheard someone asking some questions of a skipper who had just taken his boat out of the water.  I had just finished a practice race and went over to offer my controller to the Mom, and her two kids.  They had driven by and stopped on their way to the airport to see what we were doing and were getting ready to leave back to Colorado.  
I handed my controller to Delaney who I found out actually had a little sailing knowledge sailing her very own 18’ day sailor on the lake in CO.  She took to the IOM very well, and here’s a photograph of how she felt about it.
As you can see, she’s all smiles and was having a fantastic time.  After a few moments of getting used to the controls she even started a race, with me coaching and did pretty well. Her brother Evan was on a DF95 shortly after this with another skipper handing over the controller.  Both were all smiles in no time.  They didn’t have much time, but after about 30mins we shook hands with Mom and Evan, and I got a little hug from Delaney for making her day.  It’s safe to say she is hooked on RC sailing! 
SO PLEASE – when someone asks questions, take a moment and share our joys and passion of the sport.  Pretty soon these two will be back, and you can bet they will be hard to beat!  
Wishing you all good winds! 


A Note From our Vice Commodore of Sail, Bob Williams:

We have 15 more Pts Races this year and we NEED to fill the following schedule. If you volunteer for a particular date & you cannot make that date it is your responsibility to find a substitute & notify VCS Bob! It is obvious that sailors do not want to get the skiff out to set & pick up marks.If you are not comfortable about doing this , ask for assistance as I am sure others will help you!! If not, I will appoint you some help! Please email me your volunteer RD dates

Thank you, Bob!

July 2 -Sol50,ODOM , S/B

July 23 -DF95, IOM

Aug.6 -ODOM,Sol50,S/B

Aug.13 DF95 Fun Regatta

Aug.20- DF95,IOM

Sept.3 Sol50,ODOM, S/B

Sept.10- DF95,IOM

Oct. 1- ODOM,Sol50, S/B

Oct. 8- IOM Fun Regatta

Oct. 15-DF95,IOM

Nov.5- Sol50,ODOM, S/B


Dec.3- ODOM,Sol50,S/B


Dec.17-Holiday Lights

2022 Midseason Cumulative Points Update

Thanks to our score keeper, Ken Campbell, posted are cumulative points for active fleets in Sail Division. Club Points Regattas are conducted two Saturdays a month. This year we have skippers sailing DF95, IOM, SOLING 50 and ODOM class RC sailboats on Mission Bay Yacht Model Pond. If you are interested in joining the regatta activity, it’s not too late to get in on the fun.

See You At the Pond, Gil

Soling 50-May 14 Fun Regatta

Hey all,

Today was the Soling 50 Fun Day Regatta. The event was held under partly cloudy skies and a wonderful 75 degree weather. Blowing pretty much down the pond, the wind was between 5-7 with at times up to 10mph. We had six skippers attending todays battle for bragging rights. Before we get to the scores, shout out to Kim, Ty, and Bob for helping me retrieve the buoys, clean up and put it all away. 

A total of 12 races were made with two throw outs given at the end of racing. There were 10 medium courses, 1 short, and 1 long course. Several breakdowns hindered a couple of skippers but most finished the racing by days end. Without further ado, the final scores:

Ken Campbell    15
Chris Staiger      17
Ty Beach             22
Gerry Wold         42
Kim Robbins       45
Ken Wild              59

Thank you


Ben Reeve gets the Gold Medal of Appreciation for RD and scoring a fun day of sailing!

If you are an RC enthusiast, big boat sailor or just pond side spectator the San Diego Argonauts welcome your interest into our FUN and challenging hobby of RC Sailing!

May 7, 2022-Soling 50 & ODOM Points Racing

May is here! Gray is here! But spring breezes are beginning to frequent our Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond with skippers continually challenged to our tricky sailing conditions. Five Soling and Six ODOM racers greeted the opportunity to test their patience and skills.

Ken- Pre Race Tuning
Micro knots and magnifying glasses for this task!
Ken Campbell- Rules Clinic

A Special Thank You to our volunteers! Without you our day on the pond would not be the same!

Tom Warren-Race Director

Steve Ross- Assistant Scoring

Ben Reeve- Purser

Ken Campbell- Racing Rules Clinic & Scoring

Kerim Baran- Drone and Clean Up

Bob Williams- VC Sail and Hot Dog Man




ODOM and Soling 50- April Points

Grey overcast. Temperature hovering around 60 degrees. Light 3-7 SW winds early. Shifting right slightly as the day progressed. These are the conditions our pond sailors experienced this Saturday. Not exactly ice fishing weather, but a warming hut may have been welcomed by a few crew members.

Ben Reeve, our volunteer RD for the ODOM Class, set a standard mark/course arrangement. Bens row boat etiquette is definitely improving! Steve Ross was scoring the slow motion action while Pat Nevitt monitored mark rounding’s. Ben passed the RD baton to Karim Baran, who managed the Soling 50 races. Thank You to all helpers.

Before the skippers meeting Ken Campbell reviewed barging at the starting line and ways to avoid getting trapped between the pin and other boats. Kerim Baran documented the seminar for the benefit of all.

BARGING and Thinking Ahead

We had six ODOMs and four Soling 50’s each making 6 appearances at the starting gate. Here are the results:

Videos from today’s Soling 50 races:

(All 6 races are captured in one video. The first 3 were shot from the sidelines, the last 3 from the drone.)

The peanut gallery is alive and well!

Don’t forget to order your hats and t-shirts! Bob Williams is eager to take your order.

A Closing note from Ben Reeve:

“In 2022 we’re all quite aware of basically everyone having a camera in there phone and I see many people taking pictures and would really love to see some of those photos shared with the membership.  Here I am providing some of the vintage photos I have taken recently.  Vintage in that I have used several cameras that are 40 to 100 years old recently at the pond.  These are unedited negatives scans straight from the camera. Enjoy and don’t forget to share your photos.” All contributions are welcome and appreciated!

Sooth Sailing, Gil

MAR5 Sail Points

Saturday brought out a handful of heavy weather sailors to our pond, as winds teased to small craft advisory levels! Ken Campbells statement, that was included with his sailing scores, pretty much says it all – “In my 20-plus years of racing at the pond, I don’t believe I’ve ever sailed here in winds as heavy as today.  I’d estimate it was blowing at least 18 knots, with gusts well above that.”

Just before skippers headed to the water for sailing action Ken Campbell held a Sailing Rules Clinic covering a number of issues that are common on the race course. Kerim Baran documented the seminar. Thank you Ken & Kerim!

Leeward boat rights at the Start Line 
Room to Tack at an Obstruction –
Port-starboard with multiple boats on Port 
Inside the Zone at the FInish Line
 Inside overlap when rounding a Mark
Soling Race #6. Captured in a series of 3 videos. 
Winds gusting over 20 knots. Check out Ty’s boat speed in Video #2 from 3:55 to 4:30.

Special thanks to Kerim Baran for navigating the drone in WIND!